Alvin Tostig

Fuck The New York Times. Forever and ever.

Never trust anyone who values his own integrity over doing what's right. That's not integrity. It's sanctimony.

Bullshit. By 5 pm today, a recently developed Bernie Sanders-Elizabeth Warren-Hillary Clinton-Al Franklin cyborg will take over as president.

It blows my mind that Dems as a group have a favorable opinion of the guy.

Her orgasm lights a tree on fire.

Cough *Truman Show* cough

Ilana will be the strong male influence the corner boys need.

The front half of the third season is the best the show has ever been.

This is a travesty!

She fixes the cable.

Chimp you look so scandalous

"Diva" sure sounds a lot like "dumb asshole."

I think Philip is well aware of this, especially in regard to Henry. I think he's realizing that if they do go, it won't be with Henry at least.

If only his father had…

Yeah, but like, what if he blows his head off while cleaning a gun he forgot was loaded?

I hope Sean Hannity dies in some incredibly humiliating fashion.

"Maddow’s methodical, evidence-based approach to the news"

It seems to me like you're the expert, Randall.

I was curious how many dog-murdering-son jokes you can make at Mike Huckabee before he blocks you.

Heh. Fair point.