Alvin Tostig

This whole thing reads as "I'm the leader, but I hate being the leader."

So, is anyone else completely unable to load Nathan Rabin's new site on Chrome? Any hints or advice?

A 91 minute studio comedy? Have these people even HEARD of Judd Apatow???

This kind of divisive behavior is counterproductive. Students today are afraid to hear ideas that don’t fit into their pre-existing ideology. It’s also a rude breach of decorum.

It all ends with a robotic Richard Simmons.

Coming tomorrow to Jacobin - why this actually all the fault of neoliberals.

Weren't there rumors that he had his daughter's boyfriend "taken care of?"

You know your administration is a steaming pile of dog shit when the Nixon Presidential Library is dunking on you

Hmm, yeah I haven't. I might check one of those out.

LOL. Yeah I think that one is absolutely phenomenal. I genuinely love that movie, even if I've never seen the appeal of a lot of their other movies.

Hot take alert: Studio Ghibli has made, like, two good movies and a whole lot of mediocre, borderline incoherent ones.

What this really needs is one of those real estate videos where they zoom in slowly on the still images while classical guitar plays.

Hardest of hard passes on this one.

One of their members (Jen something?) released a solo album that was actually pretty great.

The motherfucking Paw Patrol theme.

"Can this child act? Like, at all?

Domestic violence, too!

Spin-offs involving a show's least compelling character are always winners.

I think Master of None is coming back soon.

That's not entirely true. Their salads taste like shitty white vinegar, because they seem to not have the slightest idea how to properly ratio a salad dressing.