They were both excellent, and far superior to that pretentious Bansky one from a few years back.
They were both excellent, and far superior to that pretentious Bansky one from a few years back.
It contrasted how much better Dan Castellaneta is when someone else has provided words for him to read.
Who knows what insipid nonsense they'll have between now and the time the show becomes unprofitable?
They had to respond after the #StarsHallowSoWhite twitter campaign.
Gilmore Girls: 3 Years, 5 Months & 2 Days in the Life Of…
Save The Date was a pretty terrible, generic indie, 30 year old trying to figure out "What am I going to DO with my life????" movie, but it introduced me to The One AM Radio, so it holds a special place in my heart.
Gotta go with Details from Boys For Now
Never heard of it.
Hard to have a more apt description than "Jay Duplass as somebody or other."
That Awkward Moment is such a bizarre case.
He's carrying a messenger bag. It's totally different from a purse. IT'S NOT THE SAME THING, SHUT UP.
And a camera friendly nighttime heart-attack scare. Don't forget that!
ScratStitch is obviously joking, but I'm googling this just to be sure…
I am hopeful for the past.
I saw R.E.M. on the Monster tour there at Chrysler. Not sure why they don't have more concerts there. It's a pretty generic basketball arena, but it works.
It really always sounded like "Hung like a bird" to me.
I feel like it's just someone singing over the instrumental parts of Jam by Michael Jackson.
I knew Mercury was in cahoots with the NSA. I just knew it.
Fair point.