Alvin Tostig

The only situation where it does is if they lose a lot of weight and then put it back on. Like Jonah Hill. Or John Goodman once upon a time. For some reason being fat is only a problem if you're a woman, but being fat, getting thinner, then getting fat again is EVERYONE'S problem.

Fair enough. At the same token, I have shirts in my closet that are mediums to XXLs.

Also, as a moderately fat person, slim cut shirts actually look better, because they don't accentuate my paunch the way that regular dress shirts do.

That's the big thing.

I'm 6'0" and 225 lb doughy bastard.

Being a comedian doesn't make you an actor. Some people can't play anything but exaggerated versions of themselves. He was one. Larry David and Tina Fey are others. It's why they can create great TV shows and are largely terrible in movies.

I do miss Party Down.

Whether you speak British English, Canadian English, or Actual English (America, fuck yeah), I don't think that's a rhyme or even intended to be.

I can't wait to watch all my favorite Starz shows, such as…

Didn't he grill him on some vote on a minor local ordnance or something? And about what his newspaper was - The Ann Arbor News or whatever the Chelsea paper is?

Late to the party, but this show has a tendency to do this annoying thing where some big piece of information comes out, only to immediately follow it up with an unrelated surprise twist. Then they never really deal with the fallout of whatever happened before the twist, other than maybe in a B or C story a couple

Hey, turns out this incredibly queer, subversive character isn't played by a wholesome Christian family man!

And he was the only part of Blow that wasn't dreary and boring.

I'm not sure, but might I suggest not using that abortion of a mobile browser?

Might you say it was…. so funny you forgot to laugh?

It's usually irreversible, unless you're a child with a "Heaven is, Like, Real and Stuff" book deal.

Man, look at all the talent in that Daily Show picture.

I remember the one they did to Banana Boat (Day O) about the OJ trial.

Holy shit, you guys killed Princess Diana?

He's just saying what they're all thinking. Literally.