
Even if all the officers involved played by the book and did nothing amiss their careers would basically be over what with all the civilian casualties and property damage. The dead officers might be hailed as heroes but these three losers may not get fired but they certainly won't be receiving any "atta boys". If I

"As beautifully directed as it is, the film wouldn’t work nearly as well as it does without the elegant architecture of Greene’s script, or the pop and snap of his dialogue."

If the show was about The Mayor, I'd be interested. Or Ray's partner with the ill fitting wrinkled suit, that guy's interesting. The leads we have? I fully agree with you.

Ray is still alive? Fuck you, True Detective!
Rubber shot or not, if not the first then certainly the second shot would have probably been fatal at that close range. This guy has become Batman suddenly? Plus, this alcoholic/drug addict gets a doctor's clearance to take some time off and he's eager to get back to work?

So why exactly does Caliban need to find a job? I admire his get up and go, mind you, but if he's able to blackmail Frankenstein into making him a mate (and where did Frankenstein get all the dough for his home lab?) surely he could convince the good Doctor to throw in some food, shelter, etc. as part of the bargain.

I think that kiss was Raylan playing Ava and Ava playing Raylan. All manipulation, no attraction.

Nihilistic AND pretentious at the same time. (Director Greg Nicotero and others were so thrilled with themselves they were comparing the episode to Terence Malick. Sheesh.)
I've just about had it with this crap. We're way past action packed horror and into some strange theater of cruelty zone.
Maybe it's time to

Anybody else get a Kill Bill resonance when Joan and Kitty locked swor…uh, batons?

And just because Sherlock says he's no longer working for MI6 doesn't mean that he's not working for MI6. Mycroft wasn't introduced as an MI6 agent, but as a restaurateur, after all. They can pick up THAT thread anytime they want.

Really loved the first season, I thought the second season was fun but the Mycroft arc weighed it down for me and with Joan wanting to move on and Sherlock joining MI6, of all things, I was afraid this season would dissolve into pointlessness. So I was happily surprised at how deftly Sherlock's return and Joan's

The first thing I remember seeing him in was as Hemingway in "Midnight In Paris" so I keep expecting him to grow a mustache.

Well, he knows some weird shit is happening, and his DOC garb practically glows in the dark, so, knowing Gus as I do so far, I think he'd take the gun and risk being picked up on the charge of murdering his friend with the 6 foot tongue. But, really, why am I even thinking about character motivation on this (fun)

Uwe Boll? Now THERE'S a Beatles film I'd like to see.

Maybe they'll do a remake of A Hard Day's Night next. In color!

It was hit and miss after he left Columbia and released Spike. Still got off some good ones, though.

Most of Vic Damone's catalogue is songs written by others, too. Consider yourself shamed.

Two Virgins. Especially the dance mix.

I really soured on this show as it progressed last season. It started out so rich and ended so tritely, going out of its way to bulldoze the complexities it once seemed it was going to tackle. (Didn't the David Tate say something to the effect that his decoy suspect "sure had some crazy ideas about the border", when

Don't know if anybody else noticed this but since we're talking Meta Winks here….I like the fact that Yvonne Strahaski takes a page out of Dexter and injects propofol into her neck. Her character's name is even MORGAN to underline the point.

Seeing him have sex with the Widow Hess pretty much decimated any connotation of Lester being "sexy" for me.