
That's exactly what he is. He was even pegged as a demon by the rabbi two episodes ago. I forget what he was called but I looked it up at the time and it was a Yiddish term for a hairy demon.

It goes along with the generally shoddy police work we've seen thus far. To be fair, these police departments aren't experienced in the kind of havoc Malvo can wreak. That said I think it was a power house scene and the best work Howerton's done.

The last time The Walking Dead got to me was probably in its first season. I continued watching because it is more or less solid, grisly entertainment. But I don't have any lingering feelings about it. At least not until tonight. Tonight was truly disturbing to me, and I'm really not too crazy about real life

Just saw some of Gone With The Wind again recently and I almost gagged. And people are upset with Crash? But for me it's probably Slumdog Millionaire, a horrid bit of poverty porn. I'd list Chariots Of Fire and Out Of Africa but I haven't been able to sit through either to the end. Maybe the last reel made them

I'm not a big Arthur Conan Doyle fan so fealty to the source material isn't an issue with me and I wasn't expecting much from either of these shows. I like Sherlock fine but I don't find myself invested in the characters all that much. Elementary surprisingly lured me in because of its characters and the shadings

Couldn't stand the smug motherfucker or his smarmy show. Dead air would be an improvement.

So the CIA as well as Iranian intelligence have Carrie on high surveillance, so, of course, Saul and Quinn will talk about the operation on the phone in her home. Spy agencies would never, ever put a bug in a house. That would be wrong.

  What a hard to please group we have here.  I would guess that most people here haven't read a  long, multi character book all the way through based on the general tone here.  ("I think that Great Expectations jumped the shark a long time ago.  All this talk about Miss Havisham when the book should be about Abel

As if Dana would say, "Thanks, Mom. You're so right. I'll just stop being a teenager in love right now."  

They already have it.  It's called the NSA and the CIA could easily be folded into it.  There have been arguments that it has already been co-opted and acts as an auxiliary organization, not a separate entity.

 Trouble with these boards, amusing as they are, is everybody's eagerness to pick apart a show as if some great aesthetic truth will be revealed by pissing on the first episode of the third season of a better than average TV show.  This was fun when it was Dexter insulting its betrayed audience but, geez, give this

One of the growing breed of folk who only want to have sex when their clothes are on.  I've only met them in TV and movies but I don't get around that much.

The showrunners could be flatly lying.

But where'$ the money?

I was thinking a Fawlty Towers remake with John Luther going Basil crazy as Alice kills a troublesome guest or two. Some bed and breakfast in Berlin, perhaps.

Luther piles it on fast and furious so I don't have time to notice how ridiculous it is until afterwards which is why I enjoy it so.  This episode of The Bridge, however, kept pausing so I could see the contrivances as they happened which I don't like so much, especially when they have such potentially rich material

Maybe it's because I watched it after "Luther", which knows how to keep things MOVING, however ridiculous the plot, but I found this the weakest episode despite my attraction to the show.  Why would Hastings give up the co-ordinates of the house so easily?  Why the whole "here, hold this grenade" gambit at all?  That

  Really loved this season…..up until the last half hour.  That endless car ride up to the lake house seemed more like a rough draft than a finished product of a script.  Compare it to the car ride Linden takes with Pastor Mike earlier this season in terms of pacing, tension & reveals.  Her breaking down, crying,