
This is the first episode where I felt that Lynch was just fucking with us.

Read this somewhere else and it works for me and I don't think I've seen it mentioned here. But that long drive out to the desert and the perfectly square box that contains an important mystery? Anybody get David Fincher "Se7en" vibes from that build up?

Major bummer. One less reason to watch Comedy Central. I slog through The Daily Show these days. (I root for Trevor Noah but the writing veers between forced and obvious and Noah's interviewing chops aren't the best). Looks like I'll be catching up on some sleep.

So, Audrey.
By now I'm pretty convinced that Audrey Horne is locked away in an institution. The trauma of her presumed rape and the birth of her sociopathic son driving her over the edge.
Anybody else?

On the other hand, Varga does have some pretty high connections. It was mentioned that there was an investigation into him a while back (pre 2011) but higher ups closed it down. And somebody tipped him off that the IRS had the disc drives when Larue Dollard was keeping a tight lid on what he found. Trust me, I WANT

She was probably given a large sum of mone and/or a death threat.
Or she could be promised to be the next shadow corporation for Varga, buying up the Stussy corporation and becoming very, very rich. On paper.

It's also a nod to John Mahoney's character in Barton Fink. Right down to the unfolded napkin for the knees.

I'm hoping against hope that Hawley ties all three seasons together in the finale with Mr. Wrench working for the organization that Hanzee ended up working for, the rival to the organization that Malvo worked for which is now run by Varga. Which would be why semi-professional Nikki Swango is suddenly gifted not only

His goal is not to destroy Carrie's reputation, his goal is to thwart the president-elect from taking a course he thinks is detrimental to the country. To that end he's willing to destroy Carrie and Peter and Saul and Astrid as well as the reputation of the president-elect's son (and, when the edited tape airs, the

All these complaints through the years over how fetched and heroic Homeland gets and now when Homeland decides to go into moody John LeCarre territory people start complaining they're bored. This show can't catch a break.
Personally I think this is one of the better seasons as it fundamentally changes things.

Well, I saw the thing. And yes, Verbinski has a keen eye but really this was as shitty and confused as The Lone Ranger-a bunch of semi grotesque set pieces hung casually from a choice of plots. (It could be about a mad scientist, it could be about a soulless bank exec going crazy, or it could be about a cursed

I know the time period is off for a true collision of characters but I keep hoping that somebody bumps into Sir Malcolm's grandfather or Vanessa Ives' grandmother.

I thought this was one of the strongest episodes this season, even with the absence of Mr. Robot & son. (To tell the truth Elliot and his scenes have been a bit slow and mopey in general although now that we're in on the "reality"and he wants to be friends with us I expect that will change.) But if I was flipping

Exactly. The prisoner would be restrained. Not loose in a jail cell with their attorney where the chances of violence are much greater than ill advised smooching. (Chandra just can't say no to a guy with jailhouse tats, I guess.)

As somebody who works in the courts of New York State I know I have to let things slide (some of our favorite back and forths in the court room would never happen, for instance. Insinuating questions are objected to and dismissed routinely. All the juicy drama is painstakingly drained away as much as possible.

If I wanted to read the comic books I'd just read the goddam comic books.
I'm willing to give this some time since the characters are just loopy enough and the interactions are just weirdly funny enough but it better get its shit together as a narrative for those without using the source material as a reference

B? B+? More in the A- category for me. Most of the time I'm wondering why I'm watching this stupid zombie show but this episode reminded me. Also made me realize that this show is at its best when it goes small rather than epic.

I'm a pretty dedicated guy and wanted to see this thing through but, hell, this was awful. Nearly everyone is doing their worst work here. If this is renewed for next season I'm out. C- (and I'm being generous)

Human Touch/Lucky Town both sounded flat to me. Then I saw the tour and the songs just sparkled. Couldn't wait to play the records again and this time they were….sounding kinda flat to me.

First 45 minutes: D
Last 15 minutes: A