
AVC: "How did you like playing Agent Audrey Hanson on Heroes?"

This was good. The 2nd episode aka "burn the muthafuckin house down" remains the gold standard but last week and the Lee Russell redemption episode made this week's Snodgrass special that much more solid. I lost motivation around the 3rd episode but I'm glad I stuck with it. I'm so satisfied in how Vice Principals

Poor Amanda Snodgrass. Getting dumped by handsome teacher and feeling as awkward about it as Gamby does about silently hooking up with Ms. Abbott.

A) The more the story comes out, I'm tempted to think that Ryan "Jeah!" Lochte actually believed he was being robbed.

(exhales smoke) Kids love him.

Is this gonna go down that mushroom-fueled "Does Marge Have Friends?" rabbit-hole we were forced to experience earlier?

"And you're covered in gas which I think is interesting…."

It's the name of his horse. There I just spared you two boobless hours….

Whoaaaaa. let's not do a Kansas City Shuffle on our taste and go nuts. That movie is the reason why there's "Now You See Me" shit. They're so proud of the convoluted set-up they take a third of the movie explaining at the end.

All bullshit aside, Joe Carnahan gave us the A-Team, which I still humbly hold as a keystone in a cast working completely. The camaraderie in that movie between four leads who had no prior experience together seamlessly selling their bond as resolute is so rarely seen in modern team-movies, especially given the

Nah, fuck him.

*bell* shame. *bell* shame.

All our Paintings are secret Paintings.

Cera, Schwartzmann, Kieran "Rye Gerhardt/Igby" Culkin, a dour but still cute Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Allison Pill, voice of Hader, Captain America, Brandon Routh, ANN, Brie Larson, Aubrey Plaza/Anna Kendrick, dude from Snow Day who turned the corner to become Steven Stills and marry Theresa Palmer. Even Young Neil

Just….pretty much amped me up and improved my life since I saw it on TV after its release when I foolishly scoffed at the ads. Some of the best:

I'm a wild pig! (sees not on Rocko board)

The World's End almost sticks the landing but falters and flops near the end but it is SO worthy of the Cornetto Trilogy.

Great. Now I have homework because I apparently missed my raison d'etre.
(tries in vain to teleport back to yesterday)

George Michael, you and plant wait in the stair-car.
