Diego Armando

This is where the fish live.

My library actually has a copy of that DVD set. I had no idea it was that rare. Although it does contain Skydivers, which no human should ever view.

He is playing Black Adam. Best you do not piss him off since he is libel to rip you in half.

Billy's main problem was the fact that the audience was not voting for him. As good as you are, there are only so many times America can put you in the bottom 3 before the judges realize that you cannot win and they cut you.

Cyrus was just a bad situation. He seems like a nice guy, but he was nowhere near ready to be put in the show. The fact that they gave him the seasons best partner and judges treating him with kid gloves, allowed him to stay in the show way too long. I honestly was kind of surprised he did not win.

I don't expect them to ever say "This group has some great people, but it is not nearly as good as a few years ago".

Billy go injured the week after Ashley. He was not pulled.

I could not get into last season. I usually like the show, but last year was so boring, and the contestants were as bland as they come. I don't really remember any of their names, except the winner, who was very talented, but had little personality.

Holy crap, I got in the Top 20! Actually, I think I got 18th place instead of 19th since Tyler lasted longer than Shirin. The tiebreaker technicality cost me a spot at the Cagayan Champions Table.

If that is true, how come Balon Greyjoy is still alive?

Qybarn and Pycell are the only council members left. He is in good hands.

Read that this got an F in the Human Centipede III comments and had to check it out.

Or buy Kingsmen, that movie was awesome and easily as non-PC as this film.

Yeah, thinking this afternoon, I have to agree that Tasha seems like she could take everything. I am definitely picking her for mine. Plus she kept me in the Outcast league far longer than I should of lasted her season.

Oh, duh.

Abi-Maria, Kass and Ciera all won an individual immunity challenge.

I suspect that is what they are doing. Woo may have been picked to balance out Joe in the speed department.

You have to expect that from a guy who has Psalm 121 tattooed on his back.

Dude, you can't let Judge know this.

The final 5/4 challenge has is usually some form of maze or maze with an ending puzzle.