Diego Armando

Poor woman. It was not her fault.

It's fine. I was honestly more bored last season (I think missing an early episode left me unable to get into that season). It is not a complete disaster, but it is not great either.

Survivor airs 2 seasons per year.

Seriously, Nigel treats him like Boston Rob, the editors treat him like Dan Foley.

Nigel choreographed The Apple. Everyone should watch that movie.

There is the chance that he got a lot more votes than Burim. That is my only explanation.

Katherine should have won and Jakob should have placed second to her.

Saving Asaf was bad. Not the worst decision the judges ever made (cough, sending home literally the best ballroom dancer in the world to save creepy Joker-smile woman who no one liked), but it was still not good. He is totally gone next week though, since there is no way he is not in the bottom again, and I do not

I could not get into Transparent. It seemed to me like an interesting story about a man becoming a woman was shoved into the background and we instead focused on her unlikable, uninteresting children and their dumbass problems.

I, no bullshit, heard this quote on NPR: :This program was sponsored by Vermont Teddy Bears, now with the new 50 Shades of Grey Teddy Bear. Learn more at vermontteddybear.com". This was said completely straight faced.

Lore of Westros – The Dour King

Everybody got AIDS and shit.

I have replayed some of them and yes they are floaty. However the thing I was truly impressed by was how large and free flowing the levels are. In Sonic 2, there seemed to be at least 5 different ways to get through most of the levels and tons of hidden paths. They need that level of detail and creativity brought

13) Add in guns and soccer balls, kids love guns and soccer balls.
14) Everyone is voiced by Troy Baker
15) Reanimate Michael Jackson so that he can provide the score

Not her best work. I seriously wanted to strangle her in that game, along with Tidus.

I've been playing so much Dark Souls 2 lately. I am considering writing a comment next week in the style of a Dark Souls Lore video about the fall of Stannis.

Stannis. Stannis is still somehow better than the Boltons. It is hard not to be better than the Boltons.

Stannis is now fully Melissandre's puppet. He has gone hollow. I do not know if he will survive the season. I suspect he will defeat the Bolton's but fall to Littlefinger's coming army.

How the hell is Hanibal still getting snubbed?

I tried it. It was okay.