Diego Armando

I still legitimately miss Carter.

I'm guessing we did not see the full extent of Mike's (correct) paranoia, because they wanted to portray Mike in the most positive light they could. It makes for an easier winners edit if you show as little of the negatives as you can.

I don't think there was anything else she could have come up with that worked better. I am willing to give Dan one small bit of credit.

Those two were definitely the best picks of the Bikini Girls though.

I agree. Too be fair, the edit for everyone not named Russell or Shambo in Samoa was nonexistent. Keep in mind that CGI Brett placed 3rd in the fan voting and he had less screentime than Cowboy Rick until the final three episodes.

I still think a ot of Natalie's passiveness were due to her age (she was 19 at the time of RI). I think she could be decent if given another shot.

I would be ecstatic to have Woo on my team. He is the perfect ally: he is loyal, not smart enough to think up a plan against you, not dumb enough to blow up your plans, can keep immunities in your control and cannot lie to save his life.

I think Max was a big long shot. He had way too much competition for his type: Stephen and Spencer were locks, Varner had more historical value and a plotline, Jeremy fills a demographic spot, and Vytas did more than Max in his season.

His pregame comments made me dislike him, but he was pleasant enough in the came and a competent narrator who had the occasional funny line. He is not the best player in the world, but he is nowhere near as bad as he could have been and could be a major threat to win this season.

That is fine. My reason for picking Kelley over Kimmi would be that I think Kelley could be an extremely strong game player, and I think we have seen the best we are going to get from Kimmi already. Fun fact: Jeff Varner actually started that fight between Kimmi and Alicia.

It was Crystal swearing while voting Randy.


No. I hate Samoa as much as the next person and would definitely have preferred T-Bird or Carolyn in her spot. Having said that, I think the wanted 2 eye candy players and Monica and Kelley Wentworth were the better options than Mikayla, Stephanie and Natalie T. (although I think Natalie could be a much better than

I just liked him voting for Woo and saying "Dude, bummer."

I remember her being one of the more competent Galu players on that horrible, horrible season, but not much else.

I was not a fan of his early in South Pacific, but his anger towards Cochran is really what turned me on him. My rule for Survivor is that you cannot be mad at someone for doing something you would have done if given the opportunity. Jim was totally the kind of player who would betray everyone to get himself farther

Zoo could be hilarious.

At least we may get another Woo impression from Spencer. I found the first one pretty funny.

Spencer does that decently and he was already going to be picked though.

That was the most surprising statement I heard that night.