Diego Armando

Good to know.

If I remember the reunion, they tried to retroactively sweep the quit under the rug and declare that she had no option. I think she still got her money.

Glad I am not the only person who found Lisa interesting. To be honest, Philippines would probably be in the running for my favorite season of all time.

I thought he was Joel Hodgeson.

Crap. I need to scroll down more often.

Snickers have peanuts in them so they technically get that.

M&Ms are delicious.

Snickers are okay, but 100 Grands are where the money is at.

Granted, Jenna only stated that in the second to last episode, when she was sick.

Fat person fall down.

I know Carolyn, Will, and Dan would not vote for her. Tyler would be an enigma. Hali and Joe could go either way. Jenn may decide she likes Rodney. I am really not sure how that goes.

Mike has two trump cards though, an immunity idol and the ability to win a bunch of immunities. Now that Joe is gone, his immunity compition consists of three people who are awful at challenges (Rodney, Shirin, Will), two who are jacks of all trades, master of none (Tyler, Sierra), two who could win specialized

Mike will now have Dragon Venom and go after the Dragon Slayer.

I still think Bob's 2 fake idols were pretty amazing. They looked better than the real one. Joe's was really above average though.

Yes he does. He longs for those luxurious locks that he sees every time he closes his eyes.

Granted, if she didn't vote Joe, she would likely sink any trust Mike had in her and that would cut off one of the few avenues she has to make it far in the game. Neither option was good, but I think she made the right choice.

It needs an audio clip of the Wilhelm Screen.

I loved how even after he won immunity, Tyler was still giving a poker face when Jeff handed him his idol.

Tyler wins funniest line of the episode with "I have no idea what is going on".

I thought they looked hilarious.