Diego Armando

Sorry. Hopefully you will improve and if not, you should win next year. Injuries are always a pesky thing and I hope those guys get better.

Seriously, two obese men did better at a balance beam challenge than you did. That is kind of pathetic.

That is why I thought Shirin was going. I never thought Tyler was going to flip on Dan and Shirin was getting so much attention that she seemed like the victim. Especially since Hali was getting a lot more attention than most women who went out in her spot did.

I do like Fiji and Gabon, but would likely not rank them as high as you did. This was fun to read though. My personal top 10 season that few agree with me on is All Stars. It was one of the first seasons I ever watched and I found myself enjoying it on a recent rewatch.

It should be Sierra's decision.

Just do Tony's idea on what he would have done with Kass in a final 2; just sit back, point at her and laugh.

I'm hoping to crack 45th.

Doesn't Rodney hate Dan for ousting his one true love?

Goddamn it, this is turning into One World.

I remember her stating that Russell came up to her early and told her that he thought she was playing a terrible game and could never win a jury. She told him to take her with him then. He agreed. He is not good at long term planning.

Possibly, but that is still probably the absolute best final four he could ask for.

I'm curious, how are the Giants looking so far? The Tigers offense seems to be fantastic, but I still have yet to get a read on our relief pitching.

And Parvati just sits back and laughs at hat burning. That was fantastic.

I love Sandra with a passion. She was probably the most perceptive person to ever play the game.

A few months would not be as good. You typically need some time to realize how much of a moron you were being. I know I was a lot stupider 4 years ago than I am now.

I did find it odd that being a superfan somehow meant she was more deserving of a reward than, say, Jenn or Hali, who also seem to be fans.

Yeah. I realized I forgot about Mike after I posted that.

I'm getting flashbacks of Ralph finding an idol on accident while gathering rocks for some reason (probable fire structure).

Poison Dart Frogs get their poison from the ants they eat. I hope Mike did not eat those particular ants.

The twist is that Probst finally proposes to Colby at the finale.