
Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

When it took her awhile to hug her back in the supermarket, you just knew it was gonna be an omen of the scene to come.

Bob Kelly looks like what would happen if Mr. Clean got fired and let himself go.

Nor the one in Nitrous-Oxide Osamastan.

Four episodes from now is an episode called "Pamela 1". Uh oh!

Yeah, I think it might be the latter.

I'm bypassing the review and the comments just because I want to get this down while it's still fresh. That was some fucking transcendental television! This is a new high-point for a show which constantly transcends the "comedy" label. It's as though Louis made a conscious decision to lay off the surrealism in favor

I loved the gritty, matter-of-fact way the concierge told Louie the elevator could cut someone in half like a fish. For some reason that actor's performance was my favorite bit of the Elevator episode.

I see this more as massive narcissism than mental illness. Although I could be wrong. I mean, I also think the whole world is "crazy", but this is the kind of mental illness that is fascinating to me since it seems like the kind of thing born out of our broken, present-day culture.

Finally. Someone who knows what I'm talking about!

Can you tell me how to "strange" myself? I grew up Catholic.

Put together the puzzle pieces and what do you get? The crimson-hued horror of Satan's laughing visage throughout time. First in the dusk-light of Stonehenge, then in a cloud of gun-smoke at Dealey Plaza in 1965. He was there when the towers fell and Osama Bin Laden was "captured". He was there when the Masonics

[after seeing the movie "Naked Lunch"]
Nelson: I can think of two things wrong with that title.

And I still want to hug you. Just a deep, deep nourishing hug that transcends emotions and personal boundaries and will make you hungry for a snack. I would feed you fresh concord grapes and you could tell me all the personal pratfalls and foibles that make snookums so angry.

It reminds me of Kafka in a lot of ways. Kafka with Aids jokes.

The shot where the astronaut's daughter runs into the ocean, leaving him alone along the shore, was one of his dreamiest images yet. So many scenes in 'Model' felt like a true nightmare you can't will yourself out of in the middle of the night.

"We were given a clothesline and we're using it as a flagpole" - Fucking brilliant. Also, the mirroring of vibrator potentialities was a surreal masterstroke.

Here's some salt. Why not rub it in my wound, Mr. Mean-Pants?