
Indeed. How do you make a show about a serial killer boring? How is that possible? Not only that, but here in the final season they're still acting like this is any other season where they have to hold back. Stop holding back, guys!  Blow the fucking doors off!  How hard is that?

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this show? They're halfway through their final season and they're still just fucking around and spinning their wheels. Quinn didn't get a promotion? Fucking Matsuka bonds with his daughter?  Really, show?  REALLY?

Obvious Troll Writer is Obvious. Please, people. Don't play along.

Dean Norris addressed this on a panel. He said that Hank was trying to be courteous and keep the smell as far away as possible.



People are too distracted right now. The Skyler hate will come soon enough.

Yeah, I don't think we're meant to believe Walt is doing those things deliberately.

Ironically, the White marriage is currently better than it's ever been.

But Hank gave Walt an out. He said let me have the kids, and we'll talk. He was willing to deal, but that's no good for Walt. Walt has to win.

Do we know if Carol was the same neighbor lady Walt sent into his house at the end of season four to get rid of those goons?

That makes some sense and would account for such  disparate weapons of destruction. Why else would he need both a giant fucking gun and a small vial of poison?

That was almost certainly Badger and Skinny Pete's swan song. It was just a fun moment, probably one of the few light-hearted ones we're going to get.

Shit, you're right. Voyager was Delta.

I could watch Julie Bowen geek out all day long.

I'm thinking someone wrote "Heisenberg" when the Whites were still living there, and that's what Walt and Skyler came home to after a day at the car wash.

"If you don’t know who I am, maybe your best course of action is to tread lightly". "Uh…do you mind opening the garage door, so I can make a dramatic exit?"

Yeah, it was a little contrived. He clearly could've just made more, but it was a perfect excuse to see the house again.

There's no way they'll reconcile. Although I am at this point wondering what's left for Jesse to do in this story. Clockwork universe and all  that.

So it's just going to be 7 more episodes with a giant knot in my stomach, then? Alrighty.