
District 9 got a 90% on Rotten Tomatoes. Elysium currently has 66. I loved District 9 and thought that this was a preachy slog with a thousand gaping logic holes and a terrible ending.

That's the exact opposite of the reviewer's criticism. The movie is up to its eyeballs in didactic, eye-rolling,  trenchant social commentary and as a result, it sucked.

Couldn't wait two more years for this article? So it would actually be 30 years?

But your real premise is wrong, which is maybe why people are addressing a different topic. Nobody watches Breaking Bad like it's a Lost-style mythology-driven show.

It's a good trick, especially given that probably no one watches Breaking Bad like it's a mythology-driven Lost-type show.

Strange article. This is not a Lost-type show. I was completely unaware that people were looking at it that way, with a conspiracy/puzzle angle. Yes, the Brock thing was a surprise for some and vindication for those who figured it out, but that's literally been the only "puzzle" in the entire series' run. Oh, I guess

Don't worry, the naysayers have long since stopped watching. If it's truly good, then you guys who stuck with it are the winners.

That's because Ryan's father is not an arch super villain.  That's all in Ryan's head. He's just some guy.

No, but he raises a good point about the dumbing down of American TV that no one else has ever talked about before. He's so much smarter than the rest of us assholes.

Major kudos to Michael Hogan for actually managing to look intimidated.

No, that's what Stephen has to say about the differences between the book and the show. MistaTMason's complaints had to do with people on the show not acting like people.

It's possible family and friends knew they would be driving through that area at the time and figured out that they were probably trapped in there after the Dome became national news.

You're a weirdo. Stop living in the distant pass,son.

It was clearly irony, and it clearly worked.
Maybe the problem is you and not Sean.

Oh, shit!  I somehow missed that ep. Thanks for the heads up!

Given that Greg and Tommy are friends, I was afraid the book would take it easy on him and pull too many punches. That appears to not be the case. This is going to be a great read.

When did they "rush" to do this? Everyone was in the exact same spot, looking down on the two "dead" werewolves. Did it take them an hour or so to get down there?  Why did Derek walk out? How did he manage it so quickly and unseen?  Why was the assumption that he was dead if he disappeared? How did the Alphas manage

So…just so I got this straight: Derek and the Hot Bald  Alpha Werewolf fall 35 stories to their "deaths". This apparently stops the fight, while Deucalion and his Alpha crew rush Hot Bald Alpha Werewolf to the vet to try to save his life, and…Scott and his crew say "fuck it, I'm sure Derek's dead" and rush to the bus

It would be better if the guy playing Danny could act, though.

IIRC, Richard knew the child wasn't his. And also, Lois knew that Clark was Superman so they obviously jettisoned the whole kiss thing.