
Okay, grandpa.

If you're interested in knowing what types of movies you'll be seeing a year and half from now, check out the box office results.

That's a myth.

What in the fuck is this? Parody? Click bait? Jesus fucking Christ.

I've literally never heard anyone say that about Ant-Man or Dr Strange.

Even Phil! Even Cliff's rival mailman, Twitchell!

Holy fuck. Thank you for bringing that into my life.

Ah, given that she was literally the only one who never appeared, it makes me kinda sad. I think Rebecca and Frasier should've hooked up at least one time.

Her justification was that on Cheers, Frasier was a boob and his job was a joke, while on the show Frasier, (and Niles') profession was taken seriously. I remember reading this in Kesley Grammer's book, I believe.

Lung shots don't finish them. They're still alive if they're only a severed head, somehow still opening and closing their mouths and eyes and wiggling around, like in the Gov's fish tank. That's magic, my friend.

She was 17 when they were on the farm. She's gotta be 18 or even 19 by now. Also, it's the damn apocalypse. You take what you can get.

More would've arrived eventually, but Rick and Carl had just killed them all the night before.

Last week made it abundantly clear he hadn't changed at all. Murdering Martinez and then Dollhouse and keeping him chained up underwater proved that definitively.

I don't think David Morse would agree to playing an armless Walker for the next season.

Yep. There's already people whining about white girls saving Tyreese. I don't think those people understand how condescending they're actually being to black people, insisting that all black characters be handled with kid gloves, never doing anything wrong or screwing up or having character flaws or God forbid,

Carol didn't have a tank and an army. It was very believable, and a great compromise that Rick came up with.

Sorry, I was being sincere and agreeing with you. I guess I could see how it came off sarcastic, though.

Our ancestors didn't turn into lions when they died. There's no getting around that part. The zombies will always be able to replenish their ranks. Meanwhile, it will be nearly impossible for the humans to successfully procreate. But yeah, in twenty or thirty years, maybe—maybe—the tide will turn, but the show can't

There simply no excuse for it. It was a very bad idea to spend those two episodes with the Governor. If he had just magically showed up this week with an army, we would have fanwanked everything for them, and assumed they were psychos like the Woodbury guys. But instead we get a silly, weak speech that convinces a

Yeah, Rick had a great compromise.