
I'm very sorry I didn't like an episode you liked. I can understand why that would make you lash out in anger. I'll try to like everything you like in the future.

Yes, Painfully contrived and predictable. Not a pretty combo. Betty unlocking Don's desk with the key she found in the dryer? Now *that* was a surprise.

No, he said he'd give the mom's nurse a month's pay and fire him.

I am a homosexual male who also doesn't get it, and who also thinks Pete Campbell is the ugliest male at SC & P, including Bert Cooper.

"Even up to the early 1980s guys would joke that gay men would enjoy prison because gay men just want sex with any man, in any form, any time".

Maybe he should've said, "he never done anything like that for Pete in particular", which is how it read to me.

Dude. I've never seen someone so invested in being a martyr. You should climb up on that cross with Theon.

This episode is very far from an A-. I would give it a Z, because that's what I was doing by the end. There's no reason we needed this episode at all. They should've pushed the Red Wedding to this week. The only good stuff was the council meeting and Arya and the Hound killing those dudes. The rest was nothing. We

Bob has done the same type of stuff for half of the office, including Joan.

To quote the man himself, "it's disgusting".

"Just fucking" with Pete in this manner would have zero upside, and most likely would lead to his firing.

Never. I get that closeted men in the sixties had few options, but Bob had no reason to think Pete would reciprocate. It's just a dumb move. The only dumber move is some people's theory that he did it just to mess with Pete's mind. Bob just guaranteed he'll never move up in the company and he's damn lucky Pete didn't

Bob knows nothing about Lucky Strike or Sal or any of that.

We're in agreement that Bob's behavior was clueless, but it's unambiguous at this point. He's gay. But I don't think it means he's nice to people simply because he wants to sleep with them. He can be gay and also a toady who is worried about job security.

Typically good television doesn't show rabbit in the hat so blatantly.

I like them more as a brother-sister type of relationship. A brother and sister who occasionally kiss.

HA!  Me too. For a second I thought, "Don only has one son. Why is he lying to the Chevy guy?".

Sal tried that and no one caught on.

That makes zero sense. Pete could've fired him right there on the spot, and would have in real life. He will also never ever move up in accounts, now.

So…Pete calls Bob into his office and starts expressing his discomfort with sexuality in general. Then he refers to gays as "degenerates". And closeted, toadying Bob who is desperate to keep his job thinks, "this is the time to make my play!". Ridiculous. Him being an undercover fed would've been less soapy and