I felt kind of bad for the actor when Michael said he looked like he was fifty. I hope the actor knew about that line ahead of time.
I felt kind of bad for the actor when Michael said he looked like he was fifty. I hope the actor knew about that line ahead of time.
Okay, but I'm not really sure how much that proves. What else would be autofilled after "Micheal Cera go…"?
What was with the Annyong cameo? It didn't make any sense. I figured it would pay off later, but it never came up again.
Of course, the piss has DNA evidence in it. But somehow I doubt the cops will give a damn.
How do you rape someone with coffee?
I think Daniel was making a point. Teddy mocked Daniel, implied that he didn't fight hard enough to prevent himself from getting raped, so Daniel made it clear that if he had wanted to rape Teddy, he could have.
"The biggest downside is that Sisko now has the Klingons and the Romulans on his side."
Oh, no. The Romunlans are decidedly not on his side. Yet.
I don't see how anyone could've thought Teddy was dead. And the above post is pretty obviously a joke.
It was a sleeper hold. You don't kill someone with that hold. And I'm not sure why it's a cheap ending. A cheap, stupid ending would be Teddy being killed. That's not the show we've been watching.
Agreed. Michael Bay is fully aware that his characters are oblivious dim-witted assholes. I'm blown away Rabin doesn't realize this.
Even Finn was like, "you're fine. I'm not going to the doctor's office".
I think she'll definitely give him the green light to pursue his dreams, and the Halperts will be moving to Philly by the end of the hour.
Nice! Thank ye kindly.
Not only that, but there weren't any female characters who betrayed their relationship. The mom didn't cheat, Tye didn't actually have a girlfriend, and Mud and Juniper were each fucked up in special ways, but not actually "together", anyway.
That's a very unfair interpretation. The movie made it quite clear that Tye's mother had good reasons for getting out, and it was confirmed in the end with the Dad—no longer bitter and angry—telling Tye to mind his mother and respect her. And Tye's "girlfriend" wasn't his girlfriend at all. That was all in his head.…
I don't believe Tye's mother was cheating on his dad. They never really spelled out what was wrong in that relationship, but by the end they made it clear that the dad was mostly at fault. Sarah Paulson had the "hero" moment when she smacked her husband's hat off and told him to shut it. Also, I don't think Mud's…
The best thing about it is that Tyrion is the only good guy on Team Lannister, and if he red rover red rovers over to Team Stark, that would kick ass.
Please someone help. I couldn't understand a damn thing Jamie told Brienne in the tub. He was mumbling worse than Brad Pitt in Snatch. Apparently something about the Mad King?
@avclub-438f54f8c5a3a6f58ce5a69d37294fe9:disqus They barely defended Joan when Harry called her a whore, they overruled her decision on the secretary, and they gave Harry a year's salary. Harry absolutely won the day.
You've never felt bad about yourself and made out with someone lower than your station in order to feel a little better? You've gotten through life easy, son.
Yep, I was blown away he smoked in the office. That's Dick Whitman-type behavior. He doesn't usually let his co-workers see Whitman.