Yes, just like all human beings. It still doesn't stop him from being a total shit sometimes, just like all human beings.
Yes, just like all human beings. It still doesn't stop him from being a total shit sometimes, just like all human beings.
Agreed. How would Peggy and Ted even know some other firm got the job? I didn't get the impression much time at all had passed.
I think it's fine. I think it's probably something people were actually saying at the time, even before Robert died.
I think most swinging between hetero couples doesn't go both ways. Or maybe only for the women.
Now that you mention it, he kinda looks like a younger version of that old Colonel guy from Boogie Nights, the one who winds up in jail.
I think Pete continues to feel guilty for orchestrating the Joan/Jaguar thing and gets defensive when it's mentioned.
That was a great line, but it set us up with the false expectation that Harry was about to be totally humiliated. That made it hurt all the more when he got the better of Joan.
Huh? It's not a meta line. He's referring to John, not Robert.
I know. The doctor's wife is ridiculous. "I pray for you." Fuck off, lady. You've also committed adultery. Spare me the patronizing bullshit. You're just as fucked up as Don.
Don's not open and curious when he's being the official "Don Draper" out with his wife. If he was with the neighbor lady and they ran into some strangers in a bar, it would've been a different story entirely.
His affairs are with independent minded women. His marriages are not. (At least he didn't know Megan was independent minded when he proposed. She was just a meek secretary). Don's convinced every woman who he loves will end up leaving him, because they're all whores like his mother. Megan was letting another man touch…
I don't think Don was faking outrage at Megan's love scene. He's just that much of a compartmentalizing hypocrite that he doesn't see his behavior being completely contradictory to his words. He also fears that Megan will learn she's too good for him as Betty did and she'll leave him, because all women are whores like…
No, it was as equally as pointless every single other "on the next Mad Men" that they've ever had. It's so weird to me that people are still discovering this.
The fact that they're making us wait a full year for 8 fucking episodes is total bullshit.
Oh, fuck me. August 11th? So we had to wind up waiting 11 months for 8 fucking episodes, which were spread out for economic reasons in the first place, to the detriment of the momentum of the show last year. Fuck you very much, AMC.
I'm greatly disturbed by the amount of likes that got. Voyager is B or C-level Trek at best.
I would be fine with Axl being a jerk, but I'm puzzled and a little annoyed by the fact that the show seemed to agree that Sue breaking up with Darrin was what was best for everyone. I hope I'm wrong, but the way it ended seemed like we were supposed to be okay with what happened, and I can't imagine anyone at home…
So I can read it? Are you fucking with me? ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME?
Not really. They only endanger the lives of their caretakers.