
I dunno…Chase is more likable than Tim. But I agree the "drama" of this season has sucked. They don't seem to realize we don't want Schmo to know. At any rate, nothing will ever compare to Matt's reveal, I'm afraid.

Or they could've just had Allen and Lorenzo vote for Chico and Chico vote for Allen, leaving Chase's vote for Lorezno irrelevant.

Exactly!  They should've done that, too. Chico and Lorenzo vote Allen and Allen and Chase vote Chico. Then they still could've done the tie-vote coin flip thing and gotten rid of Chico as planned, but made the whole thing far more plausible and drama-filled. Chase would suck on a real reality show.

In the Spoiler Space, Scott tells us all what happened and we laugh at him for having to see it.

I know!  I was really hoping this was going to be right up there with "The Room" or something. That trailer made it look like one of the worst/best movies of all time.

Why the hell didn't they cast an actual deaf actress, so they wouldn't have to worry about her screwing up?

Chase has flat-out said in his journal that he suspects people are actors. I don't think he's going to be terribly surprised when the whole thing turns out to be fake. I'm kinda bummed this season has been almost completely about the "drama" of Chase finding out. A small part of me wonders if we're all getting played

I agree. They're going to make a mess of a great story.

Yuck. I think this should just be a miniseries. How long can they keep up this storyline?

I liked the Dome's ending. I guess I'm in the minority, there. The Dark Tower was my absolute favorite.

Yep, the trailer is a total lie, thank god. The movie's great.

She kept the act up even after she knew she had pulled off the murder. No one alive was in the room but her and us.

Me too. I really thought Law was going crazy and persecuting an innocent woman to assuage his own guilt.

But after he was dead, she still zombie-walked past him and went back to bed.

I agree completely. The movie cheated a bit, there. Though I think Rooney Mara tried her best to thread the needle. I remember watching it and thinking how weird it was that Emily looked down at her husband as he bled out and seemed to be aware of it. I was unaware of the twist and never guessed it, but at that moment

Boobs: yes.
Chicken nuggets: no. 
Cancer Camp is a fickle place.

Jimmy really seemed to take it in stride that his dad was gay and fucking his girlfriend's underage brother. I agree, I wanted more EVENTS, there. Hopefully next week will entail lots of awkward silences between Jimmy and Ian.

Exactly. What is the basis for this "joke" other than irrational Skyler hate? Are there rumors that Anna Gunn is a terror on the set, impossible to get along with? I haven't heard any. Why go after her in this way, unless you're deliberately pandering to the trolls?

I would argue that Jesse is our main protagonist, and the one we should ultimately be rooting for. Walt's beyond help. I doubt Skyler's getting out of this alive, either.

I don't agree with you at all, but at least you gave good valid reasons, instead of calling her a bitch who won't shut up and be grateful to Walt for providing to his family. Many of them also hated her in Season Four, angrily pointing to her criminal behavior as a sign that she's a bad person, not caring that Walt,