
Where can I purchase tickets, or do you happen to have any?

"Wait, what?"

Hell, I like all the characters, period. The characters are this show's strength.

If they were based on something other than her gender, they would be funny.

You know what else is a big clue about a character's selfishness?  They deal meth. 
Skyler smoked a couple times while she was pregnant, due to the extreme stress she was under knowing Walt was lying to her. That's not an excuse, she clearly knew it was wrong, but that's hardly some full-fledged indictement of her

She's far from perfect, like every character on the show. She's definitely been a hypocrite (and has admitted it in "51"), and I doubt these last 8 episodes will be very kind to her. It's the over-the-top defense of Walt and attacking of Skyler that's always been…disturbing to me.

I completely agree. Especially since she had already asked for a divorce. There was no "cheating" involved.

Yes, she definitely went the Nicole Kidman route and fucked up her face. Too bad, really.

The "joke" is that everyone is only pretending to end Breaking Bad because they don't want to work with Anna Gunn and don't have the guts to kill off her character or ask her to leave. Because bitches, man. Amiright?

The people angry at Skyler for "cheating" on Walt while not caring at all that Walt had already ended the marriage by dealing meth…those are not people I want to know in real life. They scare me.

Hmm…that's a tough one. I guess I could probably be friends with Hank and Marie, as long as we didn't hang out too much. Mike? Hell, no.

Really, AV Club? I thought we didn't do the stupid mindless Skyler hate, here. Or is is stupid mindless Anna Gunn hate, now?

You're arguing a Straw Man. No one ever said reviewers shouldn't be open to criticism. What we're talking about here are personal attacks, and your creepy phrasing that they should be "held accountable" when they "insult" you for having a different opinion.

You're arguing a Straw Man. No one ever said reviewers shouldn't be open to criticism. What we're talking about here are personal attacks, and your creepy phrasing that they should be "held accountable" when they "insult" you for having a different opinion.

Or maybe she "gets it" and just happens to disagree with you. In what way do you think she should be "held accountable", anyways? Can't you just say why you thought the episode was better/worse than the reviewer did and then move on?

Or maybe she "gets it" and just happens to disagree with you. In what way do you think she should be "held accountable", anyways? Can't you just say why you thought the episode was better/worse than the reviewer did and then move on?

Or perhaps Alison Brie doesn't comment on EW.

Or perhaps Alison Brie doesn't comment on EW.

AV Club led me to believe Stewart had responded and they were going to reunite awkwardly on the show. That would've been pretty great.

AV Club led me to believe Stewart had responded and they were going to reunite awkwardly on the show. That would've been pretty great.