
Possibly due to her protracted seasons playing Scully-in-angst, Anderson has been since cast as grim, drawn, unhappy characters in Bleak House, The Fall (love this), Crisis, and others. She is more neurotic than grim in Great Expectations, but still no picnic of a role. For someone with a glorious smile and great

I feel the same, @the Morr1gan. We have some true, learned pundits here, and more fun/enthusiasm than snark, generally.

Well, I was planning to be one of those drop-in's, but you talked me into sticking around for Season 9, and I'm glad I did. I forget that we talk about so much more than the individual eps. Even some of the dismal eps bring about a great discussion of TXF!!

P.S. Me, too. For about 5 minutes.


Yeah, they really overcomplicated the plotlines and muddied the tribute. The whole guilt trip about TLG series bomb was heavy-handed when it should have been a lighter reference, with more time given to flashbacks of TLG escapades on The X-Files. And they definitely should have included some of their very funny early

I would watch that.

Thanks for the great supplements, BtMcPd! You've brought so much to this discussion every week, in the way of X-Files history, TV literacy, fanship, community, and fun. You're the greatest.

Okay, guys. Give us your best shot in 6 episodes. It feels rushed, but it's all you get—and better than sudden death.

Love the scenes of Neal painting in his tank top.

Mrs. L.A.: "Agent Hab Erdashery"—Rat Pack style!!

Haha, funny reason.

Agreed. Season 4 rocked! Is it because Piper is now executive producer? Did she say, "I'm tired of being Barbie-with-a gun!" All of a sudden, the show became much more Eurostyle. Also, I loved the twist where they put Arthur in the field!

Well, not as well as big sis thinks, at least. Drew actually seemed very shy about performing, even in front of Amber.

Jeez, that scene with the big needle seemed really drawn out. Draconian! Stick the baby with a bigass needle, why dontcha!

Even though I had seen "William" before, I found myself hoping that mobile would move at the end.

Not only does Scully invite Crispy Spender into her home, but she leaves William untended with this questionable character in the house. Not at all believable.

Zack: "These characters deserved better." Agreed. I have always been a fan of these delightful nerds and their shenanigans in small doses. Give them a full episode—much more, a show of their own—and I start to lose patience. Not very interested in their contrived death in this episode. "Oh, give me a break," I say to

Yes, @lara, I agree with you. In addition to needing better parenting skills, A&K should have been supplementing Max's training with another Gabby or AS-trained coach to help Max acclimate. Instead, they have repeatedly and unfairly laid his coping problems at the feet of his educators in the schools.

I would be happier if they'd just start talking—without bringing third and forth parties into it—aren't things enough in crisis with the kids popping like sad helium balloons? What more do they need? Just get down to the core discussion and tears already, for each other's sakes, for the kids' sakes, and for us, the