
A great character, played with gusto.

Hi, I just found your comment here—thank you—and I wanted to say how much I appreciated your stories in connection with the latest episodes and the FNL depictions of racism. Please keep coming back. Your pov is much appreciated.

I keep thinking of Matt's face when he was watching Julie dance through that little window in the door of her studio a few episodes back. Nothing lascivious, more inspired, more sweet. That has been the tone throughout. Young love at its best, minus the entitlement displayed by other FB players. Even Smash is cured of


Agree. Beautifully done mother-daughter scene. Very touching. I like the way Julie thanks her mother for the talk later on, too.

You're allowed.

Yeah, I was having those same thoughts. And you don't want to make a mess of your froggie. Put down the knife, Jason.

So fun.

Just like groupies.

Here's what I think. I think Tami and Julie have a pretty loving relationship. Julie does not hesitate to call on her mother in a time of crisis. I wish my own mother had been half as level-headed as Tami. I think the fact that things get physical once in awhile is pretty realistic. For parents in Texas, Tami and

Yeah, I think the dad story gives Billy a lot more dimension. The look on Billy's face when he has to tell Tim that Dad has showed up at the football game—Billy looks so vulnerable at that moment. His guard is completely down, and you see the boy who got left, trying to protect the younger boy who got left, and unable

Street comes back to school.
Frog Bio Teacher: "If you just wanna observe, it’s okay. It’s all anybody expects."
This comment was so bad, I blipped out of the story for a moment to cuss him out.

"Blinders" is not my favorite episode, but it sets us up for "Black eyes and broken hearts", one of the best eps of the season imo.This is Blue Deckert's hour to shine. He gives such an authentic and understated performance as Mac. He just IS that good ol' boy, blundering into the 20th century.

Hmmm. I see Tami differently than you do. I have a different idea of what an abusive mother looks like, and she ain't it.

Oh, I'm glad somebody mentioned Julie's passing flirtation with the HFH dude. He seemed all right. Honest about the fact that he's just passing through. Perfect for a new "experience" without baggage or lingering heartache. He seemed a healthy choice on Julie's part.

Rankin love.

velvet paintings LOL!

Yes, it is ironic. I think Tyra knew something was up as soon as her mother told her there was no talk of pay or benefits. Buddy's thought bubble: I'll give ya benefits, sweetheart. Come on over here.

Wow. And that's just one type of injury. If kids are getting paralyzed that often, you can bet there are plenty of kids on crutches and in slings as well. And young men who will become old men who hobble.

I reckon Mama Smash put it up.