I'm taking up a collection to buy Lady Mary a pair of rubber boots for her new vocation. Anyone?
I'm taking up a collection to buy Lady Mary a pair of rubber boots for her new vocation. Anyone?
Liked for "wise regarding pigs." Lol.
Ah, remember when the kitchen staff was teaching Sybil how to cook? Those scenes were so great.
Me, too. Not only was Napier a decent chap for finding Mary to break the news in S.1, but he was very gracious and kind to her when she—naturally—was shaken by the news. He's the only one of the three who has demonstrated real caring for Mary. And all of this while nursing his wounded pride. Rather an unsung hero.
Yes! Love these two great ladies!
Yeah, I've always thought he did it, too. Vera was such a nasty piece of work, I was glad to see her go. But she did not show the least tendency toward suicide. Much more likely to stick around and make other people miserable.
I agree with you that Mary needs someone with a romantic spirit to open her up. And she needs some toughness to push against—someone who can say no to her. I think Blake is our man. I'm afraid she would walk all over Napier.
The two of them—Carson and Hughes—are a great team. I love their scenes together.
What's impressive about these three is their goodwill and gentlemanly behavior toward each other. They're all rather sweet, really. Remember that awful newspaper guy Matthew had to knock down, breaking the urn? Good times.
"In that way, (Rosamund) is like her mother, the Dowager Countess, who always
puts family before propriety." Yes, Rosamund showed her stuff in this episode. Good for her, sticking by Edith! I almost liked her for the first time, (though I have always counted it a happening when she shows up.)
That was I. Yes, I loved the rummy game.
Mary to Mrs.Hughes: If you wish to enlist my help, I must know the facts!
Mary to Robert: I've been married. I know everything!
Oh, thanks so much for pointing that out.
Yes, it was good to see Mary work and play. Whether she chooses any of these three blokes, their attentions do put a rose in her cheek. She can be utterly charming in these rare episodes.
The sound of one hand not clapping…
Yeah, Scully's character was pretty much ruined by the whole Mulder disappearance and "my baby" dramas over the last 2 seasons. It troubled me more than if Anderson had left and the show was scrapped—or rebuilt as something new. She worried and cried, worried and cried. Agree that she needed Mulder to bounce off of.…
Too bad we didn't get more of Lukesh.Truly creepy guy.
The first revision credits had mystery and were packed with images, so one's mind could not catalog them fast enough, allowing some of the images to "get in" at the subliminal level.
ZH: "I’m still mostly indifferent to Cary Elwes on this show, but his sniping
at Skinner about 'keeping the lines of communication open' was funny."