Walken's hair: Legendary. I tried to find a link to an interview I saw where he quips about his own hair, but could not find it today.
Whatever happened to that DS detractor who used to taunt Sherlock and call him "Freak"? She predicted that he was capable of murder and that one day he would snap. I hate to see her proved right.
Amazing structure, amazing grounds. I wanted a tour! Yes, a place like that requires lots and lots o' lettuce.
S'okay. I'm not attracted to Clooney either, but admire his assets + what he's done with his career. Michael Clayton comes to mind. And he can bring a certain glamor to a suit in the old Cary Grant style—which is something Caviezel also admires. He's a fan of the old movies.
You're saying Hot Rod was killed in this episode? I caught the doublecross, but missed the killing. I think he's still around. The guy is supposed to be a legend. If they killed him, it would be a big deal. Of course, they killed everybody else this week, so maybe you're right.
You need to stop talking now.
Thanks. I'll sleep better tonight.
Twice as scary as the Grim Reaper.
Meta meta fanfic, banana fanna fanfic, fee fie fofeta, meta!
I'd love it if they brought Jiao back.
The jaw. Like a pitbull.
Emerson love. He tends to shine in the smaller eps, like this one.
Reese looked like an Earp.
—Girl fight! Someone for Shaw to play with!
—Shaw’s comment on Kelly’s monk-like apartment: “Looks kinda like my place, actually.”
—And, “Did I just hear the word Mommy?”
—Heat’s not good for old documents. Also, they should be handled with gloves and not pressed against sweaty bodies. Also—fingerprints? But hey.
Eh, I much prefer her in a little black dress. The legs.
I dunno. See Clooney step off the escalator in Ocean's Eleven. I mean, the guy wears a suit.
Wreaks havoc with continuity.
Someone mentioned above that Edi wanted off the show.