"I got my nose from a surgeon in Beverly Hills." And that, folks, is the story of a Picker Nose.
"I got my nose from a surgeon in Beverly Hills." And that, folks, is the story of a Picker Nose.
Stupider things have worked.
Dewey in existential crisis.
I like the Johnny theory, because Ava did not get raped, or even cut—the guard cut himself, sick fuck. It seems like he was acting on his own the first time he tried to coerce Ava, but not this time. Could Hot Rod be behind it? Would he take Ava as a way of controlling his new partner? Maybe HR has more friends in…
Yeah, maybe, but the female guard made a pretty good case against it.
Someone paid him, for sure. Boyd has a lot of enemies. I'm betting Johnny or Hot Rod. Probably Hot Rod, because he can manipulate both of the Crowders by taking control of Ava, and you just know he has friends in State.
If you question Goggins' presence, just remember how you felt when Paxton hung up the phone and found Boyd sitting at the foot of his bed. Yikes!
Well, fatal to their plans, but not fatal to Ava, thank the writer gods.
Definitely jinxed.
Johnny's turn of power will not last long, methinks. This can't be the first country dance for ol' Hot Rod. He'll turn it around.
I doubt Boyd will waste a flowery speech on such a sad character. As someone mentioned above, creepylilguy has to be working for somebody to risk another beating from niceladyguard.
I, too, am anxious about Art's retirement. As in, will he make it. To the show: Surprise us this time. If they kill Art off, I'll just stop watching.
Jean-Baptiste's death is the gateway to Danny's death. His loss will grieve and inconvenience Daryl to the point where he will finish his dimwit, lameass, murderous brother himself.
Yeah, I don't think he's done his homework on Boyd.
Indeed, Proto Furry. And where was Ava's guardian guard?
That was just a little pissing contest between Daryl and Boyd. By way of introduction.
—Loved the review. Perfect title for this episode, right? Body count?
—There’s got to be a special hell or trash can for people who threaten Will Sasso— what’s more, shoot him dead, even in fiction—and Tudyk has already landed in it. Can't believe Elias only lasted one episode—well, at least he got to play with that…
Or Mycroft would have had a plan to rescue little brother, as he did in Ep. 3.1.
I see. Thanks.