Satchmo's at Downton Abbey.
Satchmo's at Downton Abbey.
Yeah, someone's a little trigger-happy tonight.
That's a different show. In "Line of Duty," DCI Gates is the antihero and DS Arnott is the hero, the more I think about it; though he's an underdog hero, because he's not terribly sympathetic, even to the viewer—kind of a pugnacious little fuck, completely lacking in charm. An entire unit hates him because he is…
Let's not forget Hannibal.
Gotcha. Who would fall under that classification? Mackey on The Shield? John Luther? Dexter? I'm pretty sure Dexter is a yes.
Well-stated, Dr. Livingstone. I agree that heroes do not have to be squeaky clean. That kind of hero was replaced long ago by a more interesting central figure with complex and sometimes conflicting motivations. At the moment that happened—for instance, in noir films—-he was labeled an antihero. With complex…
Well, I guess it depends on one's definition of "antihero." According to Wikipedia, "The term is also sometimes used more broadly to cover the flawed or part-villanous hero", which is kind of how I see Raylan.
Gosh, it's hard to say. I lose track of Raylan's doings and undoings.
He was antihero from the getgo.
I give the episode an A- for Raylan's standoff with the Crowes; the pitbull scene; great Boyd/Raylan dialog; the return of Johnny; a glimpse of Hotrod; the Kid; Dewey's prayer; and Wade's oddly protracted death scene(s). I would've said an A, butt I was bummed by the Raylan/whatsherface afterglow.
Upvoted for "gobsmacked."
But he's grown up so much since then.
Eesh! That Munroe/Gloria scene still gives shivers
Gathegi's a master with the eyes.He would've been good in silent films.
I think there's something else, too. Loving a child makes one vulnerable. If you have a child to love and protect—a true dependent—you might misstep or back away from a balls-out confrontation like he just had with Darryl and Danny.
I had the distinct feeling that he recognized the hand was not Boyd's. He's in a bed, but he's not mentally incapacitated.
Don't underestimate Fishbone. He'll grow on you soon enough. He reminds me of young Lucas Black, but with more subtlety.
Kid's the only one in the room with any sense.
Ava's Guardian Angel. I'm sure we'll see more of her.