
Boyd and the other guy should have covered their noses. The wind from under that tarp would've been ripe. In Justified-world, this has all taken place in a matter of weeks, but still…hoochies.

Yes, it was. And so drawn out. Of course he grabs Dewey's ankle—Egad. I was convinced Wade would survive the episode in true cockroach fashion. Genuinely sad to see the yellow sheet laid on. That's the second time James Le Gros has bought the farm this year.


Another wise child. Lofland's presence and delivery are astonishing. I'm convinced he's actually a short 40-year-old.

When Short Guy was making his move, I was thinking, "Oh, brother, you do not know who you're dealing with." Ava does not take kindly to being pushed around.

Oh joy!

Are you insulting Tim's manhood?

Chelsea—or Chiclet—looked capable. Not a dog I would bare my balls to. And I don't care how well-trained a pitbull is, I would never agree to do a scene where one was chasing me up a car. Which reminds me to mention the awesome pitbull chase scene in No Country for Old Men.Yikes.

Oh, that. ;-)

If the only way to swerve this wreck is for something bad to sidetrack Art or put him on a shelf, then I vote for the wreck.

Yes, more of a young adult than a teen, I guess. As a viewer, I looked on George as a child, partly because she looked like one—great combination of baby face and smart mouth. I need to watch DLM again!

Not your fault, no. Romeo & Juliet is not The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Thanks, Todd, for your article and videos. It's amazing how this show holds up, and how strongly people still feel about it.

OK. Thanks for clearing that up. It doesn't really change the way I feel about her decision, though. And the fact that the producers took the blame was, I am sure, an intentional move on their parts to protect their young star from being labeled a bitch..

I'm speechless. This makes me sad and mad.

Remember that she was 13 when she started MSCL and 14 when it ended. We can assume that her parents had a great deal to say about how this went down.

…making the whole exercise all the more bittersweet.

Again, she was only 14 when the show ended.

Yes, and we don't know how much her parents had to say about it, either. She was not old enough to be making life decisions on her own. I'm sure they wanted her to have some normalcy and get through school.

Actually, she was only 13 when she started MSCL, and 14 when she left.