
I disagree that Danes walked away from some of her best work here. This was her work as a teen, and she was astonishing. The writers and the camera loved her. She soon went on to play Juliet. She has had a very interesting and varied career, imo.

She was only 14. She was in school, for godsakes. A series is quite demanding and rules out a childhood and all other projects. I hold her blameless and lily white.

"It displayed teenagers in a way that felt real. Awkward, angry, caring,
at times impulsive and wanting to find where they fit in a world which
makes them sometimes feel like outsiders." Yes!

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Foster did Foxes four years after she did Taxi Driver. It would've been hard to go back to playing teen innocence after that.

So cute this comment.

Tim Riggins' animal magnetism had a much broader appeal, I think. Even in high school, he was beset by cougars.

There's no accounting for taste. Jordan had this qu'est-ce que c'est that fascinated Angela. And the leaning, as mentioned. And there was that scene in the car where his eyes looked other-worldly and I wanted to travel to his planet.

Yes! Great pairing with Nick Stahl.

A dreary story, but Danes was good.

She was great in Igby Goes Down.
I also liked her in Polish Wedding.
Other faves listed above.

Check her filmography. Solid work all. Even the small roles are something special; for instance, when she played Streep's daughter on The Hours. I loved her in U Turn. And there will never be another Juliet for me. She broke my heart.

Redheads from a bottle are the craziest, arguably.

I adored the way dyslexic Jordan called him "Brain."

Thanks, I stand corrected. I was remembering that Molly assisted in faking Sherlock's death in some way, but she was not, in fact, on Moriarty's list.

Yes, it's tiresome. Let's talk about the episode. Did you like it? No? Why not? Elementary.

They've built a small family around Sherlock and John, and Molly is part of that family. A significant character, oddly dear to Sherlock, as cemented by the fact she was on Moriarty's hit list.

"High-functioning sociopath. With your number."
::shows teeth::

Molly has gotten much better at holding her own with Sherlock.

I love the writing in this show, esp.the way Sherlock's leaps of
deduction have much in common with mystical interference or schizophrenia (voices in the head.) Sherlock often compartmentalizes to focus on
one of the many lines of reasoning he wants to pursue. I liked the way
that was laid out in this episode, with