
I love the way Hudson gets away with telling it like it is, as though Sherlock and John were her unruly nephews. Una Stubbs is a treasure.

I have adored every interaction between Sherlock and Mycroft since Season 1 Ep. 1! They are the best!!. Sherlock needs a peer to match wits against, especially in the absence of Moriarty.

Watson: "Am I pretty?"

Agree about the training. Soldiers train through pain and can become desensitized to it. In the replays of the stabbings, the faces of the victims registered damage.

I'm willing to buy the tight-belt-stops-bleeding thing. In the first case, the BP guard was wearing a red jacket, so an escaped drop of blood might have gone unnoticed. Sholto was wearing dress blues, so, again, a small amount of blood would have gone unnoticed. Constriction is often used to stem blood flow. And they

Loved the kid and Sherlock! Bring the kid back!

I thought of the weight of her skirts, too! Just saw "Gravity", where Sandra Bullock is sinking down due to the weight of her suit, and wriggles out just in time. I imagined a similar scenario for Mary, but we see later that she arrived fully dressed, giving Bash the opportunity to peek later on..

Yes! Ask Charlie Epps!

Exciting to see someone capable onscreen, man or woman, but especially woman since it's more rare. Thanks for the nod to Gina Carano, a truly kickass fighter—with attitude!—I'd like to see her on my TV. That fight scene between her and Tatum in the diner was something, wasn't it?

Costumes—I loved the conversation between Mary and Catherine where Mary was in her bustier—she looked strong and lovely/vulnerable all at once.I also loved her dark traveling outfit. Coolest clothes and jewels!!

Re the Victorian gay club—I wished they had given the burlesque show a longer view. We merely had a glimpse of the fun they were having.

Get ready for Lucy's "coming out" season. I vote for Season Two on this plotline alone!

I had the same slow liking for the music, but the overall esthetic of the show grabbed me from the start: sets, sound, lighting, all excellent. An exciting flair in the women's costumes—great use of color and accessories! I never tired of Vlad's fireside room, though they used it every week. LOVED the lab and was sad

Renfield!!! Please don't be dead!

The show plays with costuming quite a lot—Lady Jayne wore leggings for the Draco gathering to view the flares, for example. I dug the seer's entrance. Loved the dark glasses and hat. The accent, though…

@anyaroses, we know it's you.

You're such a wag.

FBI consultant on vacation.
Thanks for stating procedure. Everything I know about CSI I have learned from cop shows, which means that none of my information is reliable. Some shows do try harder to get it right, though.

Interesting. Say more. At what age does classroom instruction have the greatest impact?

Bridget runs like a cyberjock—she looks absolutely unstoppable. I am loving the physical carriage and fighting/shooting abilities of Bad Rebachel.