
Yes! Neal's knowledge of art + artistic ability are great fun!

OMG, Michelle Monaghan is a gorgeous little minx!! She's playing against type here. See extra footage for Constantine.

The quick-change bit with the pretty hooker was funny in a Cary Grant way—the setting and costumes—or lack thereof—were great. WC plays off oldies a lot—love that!

The NY scenes/walking shots/NYC locations are what I love about the show, third only to the buddy arc and numerous art references. Adore NYC!.

They weren't wearing gloves when they bagged the evidence. That distracted me. Once the evidence is logged in and prints have been taken, they're allowed to put their bare hands on it? What about subsequent inquiries?

Oh yeah! Thanks for reminding us about that role. I don't mean to pigeonhole Pasquale. He's perfectly capable in serious roles, but he's so dang funny when he's funny. Miss that.

Or she cut her hair once the baby started pulling it—happens a lot with new moms (meaning, the big hair's a wig.)

Dax Shepard is priceless. Love his delivery.

On purpose.

It was lovely to hear Camille say that Zeek wasn't "losing her."

Joel's nihilistic responses have no basis in the plot.

Braverman of the Week: Zeek. Good speech.
I've been a supporter of Camille's bid for independence, but I've never wanted Zeek to be abandoned as a hopeless case, so I was happy with the balance achieved in this episode. Zeek makes his speech to Camille and they hug. The kids pile into the house at the end, making the

Max and Hank hit it on the nose again.

Season finale shocker: Joel has an inoperable brain tumor. Explains the complete personality change.

The way they're telling it, there's no such school. I don't buy that, and I don't believe that sending him to such a school would put more of a financial strain on the family than running for mayor or starting up their own school.

"That type of storyline is exactly the kind of stupid, unrealistic
nonsense that I had hoped was behind us after the conclusion of the
mayor's race plot." This.

Hear! Hear! @Isaac Richter!

Hey yeah! Then Camille and Zeek can go on the road and crash with the kids when they're in town!

Will they use the break until Feb. 27 like real time, or will they take up where they left off with this episode?

Wait, backup-backup-backup. Why were Max's parents ambushed by yet another problem at school that had gone on for some duration? Don't they have parent-teacher conferences, especially for a student with Asperger's?