
Yes! Bad assery! And lots of mouthy NY sass with Neal and Mozzie—refreshing after weeks of Rebachel's faux sweetness. I want a scene where Diana knocks Bad Rebachel down and cuffs her. Please.


—Diana’s back! "Baby weight," my eye. But let’s talk about the hair.

Asylum is worth watching for the setting alone—truly creepy and wonderful.

"Could I Give Less of a Fuck: the massacre of Marie's coven accompanied by the music of the civil rights movement"

Liked for "extra-dimensional exposition closet"

Hahahaha. Ixnay.

I don't like Raylan and Allison together, either, but this photo is hot.

The use of "Cousin" is common in the South. It was more common in previous decades and centuries, so it's kind of a fond hillbilly throwback now, except in places like Harlan where clans still congregate in the backwoods.

"Allison’s sudden departure after Raylan returns from dealing with Henry is also a bit bizarre," Meant to cast suspicion on her character—is she in cahoots with Shamrock Man? More will be revealed…

Boyd's a bit stressed out. He'd better come to his senses. If he cheats on Ava, he'll pay. He needs to focus on getting her off. If he can't free her, he needs to focus on a clean conscience and better small talk for future visits.


Aussie actors' ability to adopt flawless accents is much admired. Other actors' ability to adopt Aussie accent is dicey.

"…even if he probably will end up in prison for life."
Where Raylan will visit him and get him to divulge details re: family and associates. Just so Dewey's alive and still in the show, says I.

Doggonit, Messer! I didn't think Wade could look more sheepish 'til they rolled him out of that dryer.

"Call me if you're gonna be late for suppah!"

Anyone care to take a guess as to what he was listening to on those headphones?

True that, @Sinjun Balabanoff.

Boyd's coldness to Ava and the steamy scene between him and Russian-almost-widow made me very sad. He and Ava were climbing to their dreams last season, and then Boyd swore to get her out of prison, and now they're just mean. It hurts my heart.

Well, we had Braithwaite until just now. And Thomas may be in dormant mode, but I believe he is gathering steam and little clues for his next act of sabotage.