
Glad to see Edna's backside.

A fine declaration of love by Lord Gillingham! But I found it disconcerting that Mary was listening to the pleadings of a suitor and no mention was made of the fact that she has a child. Nor did Tony mention the child, much less meet him. When, I wonder, will Mary awaken to motherhood?

I stand corrected (see conversation above.) I was thinking of an earlier conversation between Camille and Zeek where she suggested they travel together (not to Italy, specifically,) and he said he had seen the world when he was in the military and had no desire to leave home—which is why Camille did not invite him on

My favorite part, too. I'll say no more until the others get to see it.

I couldn't believe she was going to drive drunk AGAIN, even after Zeek gave her his best speech. Really, show?

It would only be cathartic for me if they BOTH owned up to their roles. Joel telling Julie she's the problem is for the birds. Fifty-fifty, folks.


Yeah, that must've been it.

Speaking from experience with an intransigent mate—rather like Zeek—one gets tired of pushing, pulling, arguing, convincing, and beating one's head against a wall. If you thrive on change, it eventually makes more sense to go your own way. The alternative is to hang with the status quo and feel resentful. Really,

@Teariniup, I agree, it was condescending. It would have been a much more satisfying story to me had Zeek been shown cooking, cleaning, doing laundry—albeit clumsily, for lack of practice.

I attributed that to drunken fatalism.

You are correct. I just rewatched the scene in Ep. 6 where she announced she was going to Italy—by herself.

True that.

Camille did ask him to go to Italy. Do you think she should ask him to go to France? I expect that will happen in one or two more episodes. Zeek's got to show some willingness. Otherwise, it would be like making a suggestion to a fencepost.

Just having an "all my children" moment. The arguments for either side Joel v. Julia are potentially endless. I agree with you that counselling should have started with Victor's adoption. And I agree that the writers have made Joel completely unsympathetic—that's when the sigh happened. I miss Joel, possibly more than

For some reason, I am not engaged by the Drew-Natalie-Amy plotline. I will say that Drew was well-lit for scenes with Amy in this ep. And I support him in not going on an overnight trip where Natalie would most likely put the moves on him. He and Natalie have very different definitions of relationship. He's more the

Yeah, I think Zeek needs another BLT-with-advice at the diner.


Yeah, you're right. P.S. I just love the way this show gets everybody riled up. Great arguments re Julia/Joel and Camille/Zeek!

How did she know he was there? Did Seth write to her? Or did she know in the psychic sense?