
Cool idea. Maybe she'll do that when she gets back from France..

Yeah, I thought Camille's reaction was pretty realistic. Culture shock, jet lag, Braverman overwhelm…give her a few days. Then—au revoir!— it's off to France!

Yeah, Julia gave an abridged version of the story to her sis.

Yeah, Hank's definitely gotten under my skin.

I don't think Camille hates her family, @PrivateIronTFU. She is an artist who has set aside her dreams and artistic temperament for many years to fulfill her role as wife and mother. That had to chafe. What surprises me is that none of her grown children seem to be at all interested in what she's interested in. And

I enjoyed their cigar-sharing scene after the game. Hank had packed 2 cigars, meaning he had hoped to share one of them with Adam? He's buying into an age-old custom between males. Doesn't seem very Asperger'slike to me. Please weigh in.

"Now that the show has stopped being about these characters being about parents raising their children…" Well, there was a big Victor storyline. And there was a solid Max storyline. And Amber and Drew, being the oldest grandchildren, get their own storylines. Only kids with teen status have stories, except for Victor.

Agree with Carrie that Ray Romano’s work in these last few episodes has been “downright stunning,” being a less-than-sympathetic character and doing it with pathos. Brave work.

Adam and Kristina, talking about Hank: "He has a daughter. She exists."
Script insert: "…and WE have a daughter, too. Remember Haddie?"

Love the writing!

Ellis Islandesque, @DDB9000.

Comely, indeed.

Brain damage sustained while riding stationary bike.

@davidcgc, Were we watching the same show? I was smitten on sight.


Yes, heartbreaking. I was overjoyed to see Loretta again. She's a great paradox, well-written and well-acted: Despite her spunk and ingenuity, she's a lonely little girl who lost her no-account daddy. She's a died-in-the-wool grifter, survivor, and criminal mind. Like all survivors, she'll do whatever is necessary,

Loretta's not one to sit on her hands.

Any comparisons to Winona come up short.

Widow-to-Be’s accent improved this episode.

I don't know how disappointed Raylan was with Loretta—he pretty much let on to Alison as how he expected as much: “She’s the daughter of a murdered pot farmer. She
is who she is, ain’t gonna change.”