
"At this point, I find it very difficult to picture her being anything other than a career criminal." Raylan would concur, despite his half-ass efforts to steer Loretta away from "the life."

"The only way they can realistically keep a criminal around on an ongoing basis in this universe is to make them pretty smart"…and a pal of Raylan's from the days of mining. Raylan has a soft spot for Boyd.

Boyd seemed awfully calm at that sideways scene. I say he hit his own shipment to finance the soon-to-be widow's trip home.

Own your impressive nerdery with pride, @Italicized Comma..

Yes, @DDB9000, I had a moment of "What airline are THEY on?" The most enthralling movie I've ever seen on plane or train was Toy Story.

Or letting them lick her face. Hoping for a Shaw-Bear scene soon.

Was there a reason Reese picked Istanbul as his next watering hole? The "no baggage" line was fun.

Yes, and I think he also realized how much he enjoys bashing bad guys.

That cropduster scene in NbNW is soooo cool!

Reese has a date!

What a voice CB has. It's ingrained in my brain after they used him to such effect in Carnivale.

And a fine new throne it is!!

Naw, he's over Patrick. He saw it coming this time, except for the bump on the head.

a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

First of all, the ovaries—why would Emily believe information delivered by Victoria's hand? Victoria is not above lying to get back at Em, and what more vicious lie than to tell the mother of her made-up grandchild that she will never bear a true one? Victoria's news is too close a match to Victoria's dearest-held

I do love Sanada and IMDB lists him in 13 episodes, so SPOILER he
apparently manages to keep himself alive through first season. Sanada
could be a reason to keep watching, now that all the monkeys are gone, but I found the first 2 episodes predictable and lacking in charm, human warmth or intrigue, despite the

Sadly, all the scenes I liked had monkeys in them, and the last monkey was whacked in the first episode (even his little dummy corpse was interesting,) so there's nothing for me now.

I really enjoyed watching Hank shoot himself in the foot at the interview, then howl over Sarah's qualifications for the job. But do they HAVE to work together 50/50? Couldn't Sarah get a loan for equipment upgrades and maybe consult with Hank on occasion? Boundaries, people!

I second what Tearinitup said.

Thank you.