
Yeah, you'd think he would—at least—have knocked Raylan up the side of the head for that.

Agreed, he is mad funny. I have seen him in "fat" roles since MadTV. I don't care about poundage, I just love the guy.

I had the same thought on the accent, but Gathegi was intriguing and somehow sinister, nevertheless.

There's something about Le Gros that gets my attention—he has that coyote quality. Very tongue-in-cheek delivery. Looks sincere, but that voice. He played a priest on Revenge last season—was killed off in a rigged car accident. Always interesting to see where he'll turn up next.

Perlich was never a beauty. Greatest role: Rush.

It was suggested above. She'll have to appear again to answer this question. I also wonder if her husband knew she was not Latvian…? What's her scheme?

Rapaport's beefed up for the sleeveless look. Appears capable.

Amazing lineup of actors on this episode, yeah?
Looks good on the resume: Justified, one episode.
It's a point of honor to get killed off in your first hour on the show.

Something happens to Art, it gives Raylan a head of steam for 6th season, which I hear is the final season. I loved the way Art reacted to Raylan's baby pic.

Or she's telling his corpse she'll do her best to make him look good in a coffin.

Naw, Dilly was in a subclass of his own. Dewey and Dickie are an even match.

Poor impulse control. I kind of miss the days when Boyd was blowing shit up.

I liked the ceiling fan answer.

James Le Gros as Wade Messer! I sometimes forget which characters they've killed off in this series. Good to see Wade's still with us.

"Wrong Canadians." Will Sasso, not very funny and not very fat.
Will we be seeing more of him this season?

Bless this show. It's such a relief to watch something I can't lip synch to.


Maldonado was allowed to smile once in this episode and carry on a half-baked conversation with Kennex about his recent past—so the attention was still on the male character. Stahl was allowed to look upset when Kennex was 'napped. Bring on the Caranobot already. Sci-fi with any balls is no longer "a man's world."

Funny bit, Dorian konking out while Kennex was reliving the glory days…

That may be too much to hope for this season.