
New future vision, please.

Not many actors with that kind of presence. Walken fully commanded the screen from a chair in Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead, and Suicide Kings.

Yes, self-aware. Dorian has the capacity to grow, and therefore outgrow the confines and limitations of his station. How deep and broad is this capacity, we might ask?

"…no one seems to be reacting to the fact that Dorian expresses a desire for independent life." Not so. Dorian is leading la vida loca with Rudy now.

I watch this show for the excellent chemistry between Kennex and Dorian (no, Kevin, this does not mean I agree with you that their chemistry is homoerotic.) Dorian is the best thing about this show and plays off straightman Kennex beautifully.

Agree about the female characters in AH. Very 2-dimensional.
The show has not yet trespassed original ground, nor does it show much imagination in its retellings and rehashes.

Fringe constructed its lore and loyalties over the first and second seasons. And it had more pith to begin with than AH. Not sure comparisons do either show justice.

A bit too squeaky. This is not supposed to be utopian sci-fi.

Minka's okay. I propose that viewers are more critical of her acting because a) she looks like a mannequin; and b) her character's written to be vapid. I find no fault with her acting so far. I liked her response to the news that Kennex was in danger.

Yes, Rudy did state that the charge was like a jolt of caffeine, not a full charge.

How much of YOUR battery would deplete if you climbed up the side of a building?

Good observation on the Grayson kids and Patrick.

Blood is thicker than water. The Graysons always close ranks if their children are threatened.

Loved the Bates Motel quote!!

Kudos to Van Kamp for her acting in this episode, and for—once again—getting all cold and wet. Where did they shoot the scenes of her in the water?

Patrick and Charlotte are competing for "Most Ambivalent and Manipulated Character on Revenge". We still don't know what Patrick's really up to.

Charlotte: "David Clarke was your father? Why, that would mean we're sisters!"
Emily: "Don't push it, bitch-with-bangs!"

Charlotte: "Well, I guess my work is done here!"
*dusts hands together*
*lifts off with umbrella*

Edith's dress made me do a back flip. Her entrance was stunning.

Yes, how Freudian of me.