
Enjoyed Ep. 1, though the pacing was too choppy.

Ah, I had almost forgotten about poof Pamuk!!

Love Maggie!

Indeed. I almost hate the man for his oppressive stodginess and arrogance. Please throw his character a saving grace!

Liked for "fabulous in black". Yes! An elegant widow!

Yes, I would like to see Edith's character break out of that mold.

The light in Mary's eyes is worth waiting for. Always has been.

Agreed. I would further disagree with the reviewer's assessment of Mary as "deadly". Not so much, at least not yet.

Thanks. I used the wrong name. Edited now.

Wasn't Crosby great? When he and Adam first spoke, I half-expected him to make a mess of it, but he was the rock.

Yeah, but don''t you think Nat's presence somehow helped Amy to articulate her feelings for Drew? She could see, for instance, that he wasn't just languishing in her absence.

She chose a dark horse.

Agreed. Not only are his meltdowns more rare in script, but they allowed Max to reconcile—with awkward grace—with Hank. He wasn't stuck in his pov forever. That seemed like growth to me. I've been enjoying the Hank-Max story.

Braverman of the Week: Big brother Adam. Very touching scene between Adam and Julia.

See Traffic. Erika was great even as a pup.

Agree that Erika C. has been killing it. Joel, however, has fallen off his pedestal and bonked his head.

Kids in college call on their mothers' election days. As close as Haddie's relationship to her family was depicted in past seasons, it is strange that she is not mentioned often, or even occasionally.

Money tied up in the nonprofit. Only practices medicine half time and donates the rest of his work day to nonprofit. Being a doctor does not automatically make one rich.

Eh, it's not too late for Zeek to fly to Italy and surprise the heck out of Camille. She seems to miss him, so I'm guessing it would be a good surprise and not a stepping on her freedom. He'd better clean house before he leaves, though.

The boyish smile.