
Gimme droids, robots, synthetics, cyborgs, replicants, and any derivative of same, and I'm a happy camper. I suspect some of the characters we now know as humans will turn out to be droids. I have my eye on Stahl.

Yes, but I especially like Rudy's scenes in the lab, when he is messing with droid heads, etc. Basically, if there's a scene with no droids in it, I go into rest mode. haha

I agree Torv got better—much better—but she grabbed me from the first episode. Surprised to find this too-serious young agent—no frills, face like a moon sculpture, sad eyes, smoky voice, Personal tragedy, betrayal, hidden past. She was my girl. I simply had to follow her. Later on, she "became" Olivia.

Yes on the robot head quote.


Goes against Asimov's rule.

Well, that's the thing. They take somebody like that—an actor with range and resume—and give her a role that could be played by a cardboard cutout with a voiceover. *Drum-drum-drum* waiting for meaningful dialogs that include LT.

I did enjoy the posing between him and Dorian. Pretty much any interaction between the droids is fun.

Yes, she is fantastic and underused so far. I am intrigued by her very presence on the show and look forward to seeing story/backstory/anything about the Captain.

Eex-scroing-pop-blatch this does not compute.

Call me easy, but I am starved for sci-fi and I am digging Almost Human, especially Dorian and Rudy. I pledge to stick around for the season to see what happens. A few suggestions:

"This week's episode couldn't have been any more generic — ooh, drug dealers!" Well, at least they came up with a new drug—benzupropine, aka "The Bends"—that turns your face green when you OD.

Agreed about the women.
I do enjoy watching White Male Hero get knocked off his perch by Black Male Droid with smug facefreeze, however.

Yeah, I like Rudy in the lab. Enjoyed his exchange with the bot head more than all of his remaining screentime combined. The writing for Rudy was not so good in this episode.

See Blade Runner. Horrid living conditions, acid rain, crime out of control, people transferring offworld. They reference such a world on AH, but the story is not timed far enough into the future for offworld transfer, apparently. Ah, the woodsy cabin didn't make sense to me, either.

Also a Fringe devotee. Agree with you about tired tropes; and AH is not as layered in tech or citiscape as I would like; and the stories do plod a bit; BUT the chemistry between Urban and Ealy is very fine. Dorian's continual amusement and superior emotional refinement is a joy—as much a joy to me as Ichabod's

Last time I checked, Minka Kelly was athletic and capable in action scenes. I'd like to see her get off-station more. They showed more female cops in the pilot. Where'd they go?

Good eye for detail, Sini_Star.

People hated Dunham? She is the sole reason I kept watching.

Yes, but as Rudy said, the best cooks have passion.