
So Dorian makes Kennex eat a live slug in Ep. 2?? That's just not right.

Yes, I noted that. I am enjoying their relationship and the depiction of Vlad as a creature who exists outside of the caste/class systems and the times; is an astute critic of those fleeting structures; and uses them shrewdly to further his agenda. He has a substantial investment in Renfield and, as we saw in episode,

I'm not against downvotes, per se. They have a purpose, but people who use them all the time in place of vocabulary seem a bit childish to me. It's like shooting a spitwad.

Britton was spot-on as Mrs. Coach on Friday Night Lights. No one could have played her better.

somebody's downvote-happy…is it always like this on Homeland thread?

Tattoo Girl aka Tattooed Hussy should be redubbed Sweater Girl. She is always
wrapping herself around Will while he's trying to do something else. She has become anathema to me. Go away now.

A!! Unable to reply to digifreak642 comment.

Oh, good catch, @stuartsaysstop. I was trying to think what that scene reminded me of and you hit the nail on the head. It's a great effect, yes? Very disorienting.

Interesting point, @lofishman.

Szabo's bear dance exceeded my expectation. I had a hard time believing he—or anyone—would let out a wolf whistle at a formal engagement party, though.

Ditto Douay-Rheims-Challoner. SH is ingenious plus Mison and Beharie have charm to spare. Neither deep nor historically accurate but it's a fine invention every week and a fun ride. One of the most enjoyable comment pages because people are continually surprised and delighted by the show. Different—not better—than

Was that a Benz Patent-Motorwagen Vlad was driving on his secret mission to find Renfield? or some version of one? Cool little thing.

True, but Jayne is acknowledged as the best, most kickass huntsman in London, which affords her status and mitigates the sexism—at least to a degree. She is peerless. Men fear her, so they peck at her vulnerable side.

Question: Can anyone explain why the captive vampires are perpetually in fang mode? Is it because they've been starved?

In private rooms with Vlad, Renfield speaks his mind freely and is often asked for his counsel. As Vlad's only trusted confidante, he corrects him, teases him, and warns him with impunity. He is sent into the community as a representative of Vlad's interests. The manservant role is acceptable to society and allows

Enjoy the esthetics of this show. Tonight I was taken with the painted railings, the gowns, the inlaid floor of the ballroom, and—again—the tiled fireplace and awesome green LAB! that adds color to near re-enactments of old b&w horror films. Pull the levers, place the gurney, fill the syringe—delighted here.

Thank you for your thoughtful reviews, Les Chappell. I have been enjoying the story and production values of Dracula, and am in hopes of a second season.

At the beginning of the episode Finch's flashback to 2010 was so well-written and beautifully acted by Michael Emerson. A brilliant scene. Profound. I just watched it again.

Fusco: "Just when I think life with you people couldn’t get any weirder, one of you takes it to the next level.”

Fusco: "Just when I think life with you people couldn’t get any weirder, one of you takes it to the next level.”