

We must gather more information on this phenom as the series progresses.

Um. Because the axe just struck the badass Tree Thing in the heart and that's whatcha do now.

Ichabod struck down Tree Thing with the axe and then stepped back—the axe was still planted in Thing and the handle glowed red-hot. Fun effect.

She packed the book when she went to the manor to have the baby, methinks. Something about an old letter tucked in a precious book…this part of the story had all my attention.

Mmmm, the Quaker digression did nothing but confuse matters regarding Katrina. How could she be Quaker one week and dressed in high fashion the next? We used to have a commenter who was a scholar of period costume—she explained that there was a faction of Quakers who dressed less moderately, but not like this. Anyway,

Axes with weirdly glowing handles.

Interesting. This episode seemed to follow the sexbots episode aired last week; however, we understand there were a few episodes missing between pilot and the sexbots ep, presumably to get viewers on board for Nov sweeps. The jump was most notable in the rapport between Kennex and Dorian. They're prickly in the pilot;

The Bridge! is the reason I started discussing TV. There was a very lively AVC thread about that show. Did you participate?

Agreed. And her hair.

Upvote for Nolan.

Holy Reclamation Army.

"We learned in episode 2 that sexbot software is based off the DRN model of bonding empathetically with the people around them." Yeah, it was brought up a few times that people would hire sexbots for companionship as well as sex—and the sexbots themselves were programmed to say, "It's okay if you just want to talk."

I first saw Ealy in Sleeper Cell, a relentlessly grim role. I had no idea he could be so charming. Great delivery as Dorian.

Fringe lasted because of its passionately loyal fanbase. It was threatened with cancellation a few times.

Others have pointed out that Urban lacks personality in the role of Kennex, but it seems to be an intentional ploy, allowing Ealy's android character to outshine him in the arena of all things emotional, charming and mannerly. Clearly, Kennex is the one who is "almost human."

But I thought the episode with the Mason-o-lanterns was intended for Halloween and got bumped. No?

A virtual Lon Chaney.

twerking hahahahahahaha

Polio vaccine.