

"I wonder what else she has in her car."
Rock salt. Tarp. First Aid Kit. Thermal underwear.

How could you not recognize those super-arched brows? Remarkable.

And why did the bodyguard get killed while Lena was kept alive in the root closet? AW HELL NAW!!

There, there. The only way you're going to see Ichabod's child is via Abbievision or Katrinavision where the lens is furry. That is, unless he died as a child and gets resurrected, in which case we may have a little guy in funny clothes spewing adorable anachronisms.

All hoodies relegated to Pretty Little Liars.

I give it a B, minus the minus.

Trust Rudy Lom.

Re score: Nice reggae in the opening while Kennex is starting his day.

More great lines:
Dorian: "I just love that you wear your insubordination like it's a virtue."

Also loved Dorian's snark: "Are you trying to put her to sleep?"

Loved the bubble gum line!!

Yeah, I was wondering about the characterization of Dorian in this episode. The finger comment, the bickering, his saying to Kennex, "You know what I love best about you?" and "I just love that you…" Add these to his ball-scanning of Kennex last episode, plus his ability to tell magenta from lavender, and he's verging

We love the good ripoffs/homages to classics and scream about the bad ones. This was well-done. Not screaming.

Fun to see Damon Herriman's face on a smart person, even if it was only a Facemaker creation.

The tech malfunctions are also entertaining. Guns that jam, etc. You expect these wrinkles to be ironed out in the future, but no…

I was confused when Lucas made the comment to Jenna about giving an honest answer. Did that mean something? Did he shoot the nice guy John because he was not really John? Random.

keeveek: "The sole purpose of it was to make him look more cruel, not more humane." A la Chigurh in No Country for Old Men. The bad guy engages his soon-to-be victim with a question or riddle, like a cat playing with a mouse.

Funny bit with Kennex not knowing the difference between magenta and lavender. Such a guy thing.

Sorry, don't remember. Anyone?