
More things I liked:

I give it an A- for being one of the spookier episodes of SH. Many startle-worthy moments. Creepy, claustrophobic scenes in secret, underground passages, Ominous crows. When the birds hit the window during Katrina's birth, I was creeped out of my skin. None of the demons or horsemen have affected me so much thus far.

Just bad writing. And bad acting, too.

Oh, right. But the haunted house was cool. Crows slamming against windows. Ghosts with speaking roles.

A la Paranormal Activity.

I reckon he'll be back, I just hope he doesn't have weird black eyeballs.

For god's sake, hose him off before putting him in the car.

It was so wrong.

His smokescreens are just childish and annoying—at the same time, i can't wait to see what Kalinda digs up on him.

"I will take McMob Lawyer Damien Boyle over Ethics Lady Melissa "Breathy" George any day of the week."

He could rock the Matrix look.

Hair extensions.
Men on the moon.
Justin Bieber.
Jet planes.


He had some choice words for "the French" last week.

It's always Halloween in Sleepy Hollow.

1-Hour Martinizing.

…but IC would say "completely daft."

javelina: "Was anyone else briefly worried that Abbie was going to turn out to be Ichabod's descendent and that was going to be all kinds of weird?"


Better change your avatar in anticipation of said hook up.