
"I prefer the rock Solid El and Burkes…" Right there with ya.

Did anyone think Matt Bomer was about to laugh when he first said "Agent Greuchner" (pron. GROYCH-ner.)??

Yes! More Liz and Neal!

Well now, I don't think we can say Neal's this way or that way with "women." We see big differences in the relationships, and therefore in the quality of his attachment.

Yes, Rebecca is definitely up to something.

Did anyone mention bees? I think it was mentioned before that this episode was aired out of order. I was so happy to see June (!) but expected her to say something about the bee boxes.

Yes, I adore scenes of Neal at work on a painting, or sculpting a lump of clay. And all of the art crimes and time spent in galleries and museums is a fun and sumptuous aspect of the show, and one WC takes great cares with.

As for Peter and Elizabeth—they're supposed to be in a new phase of their lives now that Peter's been promoted. But since Siegel's demise he's been thrown back into solving crimes, much to our delight. In fact, he seems busier than ever, what with redoubled efforts to figure out what Neal and Moz are up to. I can't

Does the shot of Siegel's photo at the end mean WC will refocus on solving his murder next episode?

Yeah, but isn't Tim McGraw supposed to be a good guy? They're taking Luke in a whole other direction.

Rayna grew up in a different time when a queen needed a king by her side—plus she has daddy issues. The ongoing entanglements make sense. After Luke tanks—which he surely will, and soon—Rayna may be ready for a break from lovers..

Yes, he does seem like a different man.

Office scene—Ugh.
If we could re-do moments of our lives: Julia takes a few breaths before knocking on Joel's office door. She says, "Hello Peet, excuse the interruption. Joel, I see you're busy right now, but I need you to call me as soon as you get a chance. It's about Victor. It's fairly urgent that I talk to you.

The whole stupid Crosby lie and Jasmine saying "If (Kristina) loses, it's your fault"—Ugh. This dynamic has been worn to shreds. New script, please.

B grade. Glad the election's over.

Interesting perspective on Simmons, thanks. He seems so one-dimensional, but I see he's had an arc.

Kate—Cait?—died of a bullet shot clean through the center of her forehead. It was very shocking at the time.

Excuse me, Thomas R, I meant to respond, but my old avatar was trapped by NuDisqus until now, (I used a dupe all this week.) I'm glad you brought this up, and this principle has proven out in my experience. I have not seen animals die very often on TV, nor do I want to, I don't remember Scully's dog.

You make a strong case there.

Geez, I had forgotten all about that kissass Follmer!
Think maybe I'll drop out before we get to Season 9. Wish I'd been around for reviews of previous Seasons—must've been fun.