

Only two weeks have gone by since he awakened? Thank you for that perspective. I actually enjoyed the scene very much, despite my passing concern for readiness of IC and his steed.

I agree that the Luncheonette scene motivated Ryan to run out and get a ring, but I was wondering about the ring itself—where and how he got it. Maybe it is more straightforward than I imagine.

If it is, I don't get it.

So what?

Always sorry when I watch previews—they are often misleading and then I'm spinning some story—a waste of time, really.

Oh yeah, you're right, I remember that now. Well, she still kind of made a choice, only rather than saying the kid won, you could say she neglected her job but not her kid.

Next episode is crucial.

I want Haddie for Christmas.

Agreed. If Bob was foolish enough to pursue a teen girl on his campaign, he has undoubtedly done other things that could hurt him now. My guess is that the makers mean for Kristina to win, as unlikely as that would be.

you flatter me, sir.

I think Amber's perception of the affair has changed since she is a little older and less naive now. Not cool for a 30-something to go after a teen on his campaign team, while he is running for office. Although consensual, not especially ethical or smart.

They flubbed the scene, simply. The liner wasn't there, and then it was.

It boggles a dog.


Is Maya behind bars because she refused to cooperate and go into Witsec? Could Rowan not arrange a better prison for his wife? At least a room? Is she crazy? Violent? Drugged?

Wasn't it just eerie that way Mellie welcomed Liv into the Oval Office last episode? "Welcome home."

"Fitz insisting Mellie come to bed and then being completely unaware of
her anguished body language felt like the first nail in their coffin." Yeah, that was troubling. Showed an early lack of sensitivity that has turned out to be his Achilles Heel, as it also makes him easy to deceive.

Re flashback hair + Mellie's other hairdos in this episode:
Flashback hair = Made her look older instead of younger
2013 hair = Still too much. Country singer/beauty queen—very dated, detracts from her face.
2013 updo = Classy, shows her gorgeous face.

So…wouldn't it make sense if they appeared now and then or were at least mentioned? It's weird what TV does to offspring. Parenthood has disappeared daughter Haddie. There are others off in Neverland.