
I stand corrected. Imagine fake Patrick wearing gloves at home, or carrying a cloth to wipe all surfaces clean of prints. People would start to notice such OC behavior.

Well, beekeeping is not allowed in populated areas, is it? I live in California, where people are not allowed to keep bees if they have close neighbors.

"Too many women are shaped by rape, and too many of those women find their best recourse is to say nothing."

At what price success?

Hate Big Jerry worse than I hate Fitz.

Can someone remind me what happened to Baby Jerry? Did Mellie miscarry? Have an abortion?

"Mellie's impassioned speech" to Fitz would have been better if not written—and delivered—in Shondaspeak, with the required rhythm and repetition of phrases. But this is a repetition is a repetition of what I have said of what I have said previously about the show the show.


Call Julia! She don' fool ya!

I think Julia thrived on the pressures until she had a new child to deal with—then she had to re-examine priorities. The kid won.

Yeah, but that doesn't help them pay for Victor's private schooling.

Was wondering about Neal's ankle bracelet—was he out of range? Was this addressed?

Oh, but he was soooo bad.

Mr. Ripley and Gattaca combined.

I enjoyed Neal in a sharp butler suit. Always the clothes horse.

Black plastic liner. It would be important to empty the trash immediately afterwards, though.

Bee awareness and conservation are subjects near and dear to my heart. Wasn't expecting to hear about honeybees in a show set in NYC, so the episode gets extra points for this.


I keep thinking there's more to the ring than meets the eye. I think Ryan may be lying. For instance, it may be a ring he bought for a previous girlfriend, or a ring that belonged to a member of his family. We haven't really gotten a good look at it, but it appears to be a modern design, so it wasn't his mother's or

Oh, such a painful time for Julia and Joel! and St. Joel broke down with his not-so-loving remarks to Julia. Their problems this time seemed more grounded in reality, but I am still not taking the Ed thing seriously.