
(1) Hey, she's gotta wear the thing. Ryan should have taken her shopping. Even now it hasn't occurred to him.

Kristina did not fight dirt with dirt. I was actually relieved. She didn't exactly claim the moral high ground by dragging Max in again, but I was pleased she didn't use Amber's story because…

Yeah, she's totally falling into a "please the man" thing. Ryan plays her with silence. These two have a few things to work out.

I managed to feel something for the prissy little tyke. Great acting by the kids in this episode.

And Zeek looked like he might cry after the skype. Later. Offscreen. In a manly fashion.

Yes, good Crosby-Adam scene. Peter managed to give advice without sounding preachy. I also loved his little 'badass' riff with Kristina. Thank god the writers threw Adam a bone. Poor guy's been carrying the uptight cross a little too long.

Plausibility has not been a great concern on this show. The Luncheonette was completely implausible, but, being Bravermans, they MADE IT WORK. I see Julia going into law partnership with an as-yet-to-be-named attorney who shares her values. All fingers are pointing to the fact that she needs to go back to work, and

I liked the Skype scene. It felt a bit predictable when Camille was having too much fun to say "I miss you" or "I love you" in response to Zeek—then again, she obviously wasn't trying to be hurtful, and it's a turning of the tables where Zeek gets to experience being "unheard".

Could they have chosen a less flattering photo of the lovely El for this review?

I'm seeing Reese with surfer hair.

Hmmmm…curiouser and curiouser…

It did seem odd that Tyler and Klaus were using stakes on each other, which made me think they were sparring rather than wanting each other dead.

Right you are!


Yes, very touching.
Marigold Hotel is an ensemble piece, so no one has a leading role, but Nighy manages to be memorable.

It won't be Caviezel, methinks.

Simmons to Carter: "To be or not to be, bitch."
Simmons must pay.

Now I'm worried about whether Reese got his grenade launcher back.

Thank you. Corrections made.

Shaw: Boys can't have all the toys.
Reese: Talk softly and carry a grenade launcher.