
I liked the BBC miniseries of Bleak House, 2005—largely because of performances by Charles Dance and Gillian Anderson. Anna Maxwell Martin is a sturdy and lovable Esther. And I somehow imagine that BBC was just waiting for Burn Gorman to come of age—he puts a lively color to the character of Guppy, who fares well for

I found the BBC miniseries adaptation to be a more appropriate vehicle than a 2-hour feature film for such a convoluted plot. It allowed for more character development. BBC took few liberties, gave the streets a grimy look, and cast great actors in the roles. I was pleased if now bowled over.

Oh, let's not call an earnestly essayed remake of such a classic "a needless rehash." These retellings are necessary to bring the stories to life for a new generation that wants to see its own darlings in the roles. I groaned when I saw yet another remake of Romeo and Juliet, but held my tongue. I do love comparing

In this case, I lean to conspiracy theory AND ALSO BELIEVE that we will sadly never know the real truth.

Ruby's mob ties were not so distant, and he was running guns to Cuba.

I don't support the theory that Oswald's trial would have put closure on murmurs of conspiracy. It's complicated.

I have delved into the "conspiracy vs. lone gunman" controversy because my father and uncles were zealous Democrats who lived in Republican-fundamentalist-Klan territory and campaigned hard for JFK's election.

One of the many conspiracy theories surrounding JFK's assassination holds that he was struck down as—because?—he was planning to pull out of VN. Johnson got in there and reversed whatever momentum—or skepticism—JFK had built up. Suddenly, the war was a going concern—it seemed to happen quickly once LBJ was in office.

I have read the opposite, that JFK was increasingly reluctant about increasing commitment of US troops/resources to the VN war. The timing of his death coincides with his position on the fence, so I have read. It is anyone's guess how this would have gone had he lived. Conjecture, purely.

It's hard to separate the ideologies or even the accomplishments of the two brothers. They were very much in cahoots.

There was no down vote here, that was just me trying to make the voting option work. The first up vote registered with a minus in front of it, so I tried it again. Net votes = 1 upvote from dogpoet.

Love that photo.

I hope not, because I have this special secret drawer here…

Well put.

…and is there still a mirror on the ceiling?

Re Apocalypse Now reference: Interesting parallel—also, in the voiceover, Willard is saying how Kurtz desires death, how he wants Willard to come and kill him.

Lol. Unused porn room does not require much in the way of maintenance.

Right. So you're saying you think Siegel's supposed to be really dead?

Er, I think we've seen Moz in a hoodie before. But you're right, the person in the photo had longer legs.

MINA was rendered more interesting this episode by virtue—or loss of virtue?—of her debaucheries with Lucy; her new apprenticeship to the dastardly Van Helsing; and her vision of the flowering tree.