
Agreed. It's not as good as the Dark Knight Returns, obviously, but don't tell me you didn't think it absolutely owned when it came out. Because you did. Or you suck.

I dunno, I thought John DiMaggio was pretty great as the Joker in Under the Red Hood.

Nigga, I'ma kill you twice!

That is pretty much the definition of "fucking owned."

"I've never seen Gungans attack Star Wars!"

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees an EVL post!

Henry Rollins was on some Batman Beyond episodes too. He plays a crazed anarchist who goes around blowing shit up!

I like Queens of the Stone Age but Them Crooked Vultures are definitely more awesome. I'm gonna go listen to Dead End Friends now.

Yeah for some reason I like the Ramones but think the Misfits totally blow. Maybe it's because they look like idiots. And sound like idiots.

Another vote for Tallahassee. I haven't heard many Goats albums, but I don't see how any other album could possibly be as good.

No, I think the age is pretty important too.

Wait, I had something for this…

I don't respect the av club's taste in haircuts almost as much as I respect their taste in everything else. Come on, the ramones look is adorable on girls.

The game is rigged, but you can't misquote The Wire if you don't try to quote it.

Seriously. Year of the Ox fucking ruled but Solomon's Song ruled harder.

Yeah seriously, the show is awesome. Fuck the haters.

Can we not call ourselves Communards? That sounds even stupider than it was probably intended to.

I don't know why I'm posting this here, but fuck it. My aunt died recently; a couple of days beforehand I went to see her in the hospital. She had just had a stroke, and didn't really know what was going on. A couple of days earlier, my sister had brought her seinfeld dvd's to watch. Anyway, while I was there my

His facial expression upon seeing the bill may have been the funniest reaction takes I've ever seen. I immediately had to rewind, I was laughing so hard.

Masterfully trolled. That could not possibly have been phrased any better.